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Harnoor Gill, who has been honoured with the International Diana Award for a charity set up in Diana’s memory, Ontario, Canada. DP

Georgetown, Ontario Teenager Harnoor Gill has been honoured with an International Diana Award for a charity set up in memory of Princess Diana.

Oct 2, 2013: The Diana Appreciation formed in 2011 in memory of Princess Diana and supports many foundations around the world. It was established as a legacy for the princess, who believed that young people could change the world.

The award is presented to young people who have dedicated their time to helping people, and have made outstanding contributions to their local communities.

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Canadian teenager receives International Diana Award
Harnoor, 15, founder of the Peace Welcome Club, a grass-root youth-led group based in the Georgetown, Canada hopes to get involved in promoting the award.

He has been nominated for a Diana Award for his work to engage other young people to make positive changes worldwide. Harnoor has been awarded for his compassion and selfless commitment to improving the lives of others.

A 10th grader at Christ the King Catholic Secondary School student said: “I believe the skills taught within any volunteer activity are priceless and everyone should volunteer at least once during 365 days of the year.”

“The great achievement about PWC is that you get to know your community better through networking and community projects to support youth especially newcomers to Canada”, Harnoor added.

His leadership and commitment to the project has also been rewarded at school on behalf of the Halton District Catholic School Board. This is not Harnoor’s first award, and the busy teen has also been nominated for numerous awards that can be traced back even to his Kindergarten years.

Daniel Gothard, Diana Award project officer, said, “The assessors were extremely impressed with the diversity of activities that Harnoor has been involved in and that the nomination really did have that “Wow” factor that we were looking for. Consequently the assessment panel scored Harnoor very highly,”

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At PWC children learn how to stay engaged, connected within their communities increase their self-confidence, and to help learn leadership skills to make this world a better place for the future.

The group has a growing team of young people worldwide from as young as eight years old.

PWC events are run across the schools, community centres and clubs. For details of the project visit:facebook.com/PeaceWelcomeClub

When asked for comments, Harnoor said: “I am so proud to be one of the award recipients for the Diana Award and I look forward to inspire young people locally and internationally.”

Harnoor is the first Indo-Canadian to be awarded the Diana Awards.

Clara Costa, Halton Children’s Aid Society volunteer supervisor, noted, “Harnoor is one of our amazing young volunteers with many accomplishments. We are delighted to support his nomination for an International Diana Award.”

An excellent role model for young people and warmly accepted by the worldwide community, Harnoor is on a mission to make a difference globally.

“If I can do it so can you”, and “I want to become a role model to help young people build up their confidence and self-esteem,” said Harnoor.

Among Harnoor’s other commitments, is leading an international campaign, Jean Green Drive, which aims to provide gently used jeans to underprivileged children worldwide, Go Zero Waste, and Book Drive to promote literacy skills among unfortunate children internationally.

Harnoor sits on the Green Team, Anti-bullying Student Voice group at his school and has been part of various groups campaigning for youth-led projects in the local community. Harnoor is also a member of the Mayors Youth Action Committee and Be the Change Steering Committee of Brampton Multicultural Council including his role as a Youth Caucus of Protect Our Water and Environmental Resources, the local environmental organization.

“It is so gratifying to see someone so young taking such an active role in bettering his community and surroundings. I have only given a short introduction on this special young Canadian. There will be more to come for sure. Look out folks, Harnoor Gill is on his way!!” said Ron Speer, a retired principal of the local community of Halton Hills.

For his work in the community and environment, Harnoor has been profiled in numerous publications globally, including The Canadian, Canadian Living, The Independent & Free Press, Asian Journal, South Asian Focus, Chickadee, Ecokids of Earthday Canada, Times of India, Hindustan Times and many others.

Most recently Harnoor was named Canada’s Top 15 under 15, and has also been honoured with YMCA Peace Medallion and The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Young Conservationist and International Young Eco-hero, Harnoor has worked to support the local municipality Town of Halton Hills, and his nominated children’s aid charity at Halton Children’s Aid Society, where he is a volunteer.

For youth looking to get involved, Harnoor advises to stay informed and active in your immediate local communities.

GreenBlock (1K) Congratulations from The Canadian, Harnoor. Great Job/Joy!
Also from SikhNet
Award (17K)

International Diana Award

In 2011, to honour the year that would have seen Princess Diana’s 50th Birthday, we launched an exciting new initiative – The International Diana Award. Princess Diana supported charities all around the world and, as the only lasting memorial in Diana’s name; it is therefore very appropriate that young people across the globe, who are committed to helping others, are honoured in her name.

The Diana Award identifies motivated young people who will create a society in which we would all like to live. The positive response to embrace the International Diana Award, from a significant number of Commonwealth and other countries, is testimony to its potential; and a world movement to support and sustain it.

The International Diana Award is available to schools and organisations all over the world. We will partner with international organisations that work with or know young people who make an outstanding, sustained and selfless contribution to their community.


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