Support (66K)Leaders and Members of Canadian Parliament crossing the party lines joined Sikhs in demanding India to abolish the death penalty. More than five thousand Sikhs from all over Canada gathered at Parliament Hill in solidarity with Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana who is on death row in India.

Canadian MPs who attended the rally included Liberal leader Bob Rae, Jim Karygiannis, Dr. Kirsty Duncan, Justin Pierre James Trudeau and Irwin Cotler of Liberal Party; Parm Gill from Conservative Party and from NDP Jasbir Singh Sandhu, Jinny Sims, Rathika Sitsabaiesan, Don Davies and Wayne Marston, the Human Rights Critics of the party.

The "Kesari Nishan Rally" (watch video below - ED) was held in Ottawa to implore Prime Minister Stephen Harper to leverage Canada's position in the world - and especially our relationship with India - to speak to his Indian counterpart and ask him to abide by UN Resolution 62-149 and place a moratorium on the use of the death penalty in India. A memorandum was handed over to MP's of Conservative, Liberal and NDP parties asking Government of Canada to intervene on behalf of Canadian Sikhs and impress upon India to follow the UN Resolution 62-149 of 2008 and abolish the death penalty.

Urging the Indian Government to reconsider its plans to execute Rajoana, Bob Rae, the leader of Liberals stated that "Liberal Party of Canada has a strong tradition of opposing the death penalty and have encouraged and supported the international trend towards its abolition". Liberal leader further expressed hope that "India hears the pleas of international community and imposes a moratorium on the use of death penalty".

noose (3K)Addressing the rally, Liberal MP Kristy Duncan stated that "the death penalty is the ultimate denial of human rights as it violates the right to life as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is the premeditated killing of a fellow human being by the state. It is cruel, degrading, and inhuman punishment that is done in the name of justice."

Attorney Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, legal advisor to Sikhs of Justice (SFJ), a human rights group which co-organized the rally, stated that "As Canadian Sikhs we are united in our opposition to India's ongoing use of the death penalty despite ongoing international pressure including UN resolution 62-149,". "Following the Canadian tradition of respect for the sanctity of human life, Canadian Sikhs strongly oppose the use of the death penalty - something still in use in India. Today, hundreds of Canadian Sikhs stood in solidarity to oppose this outdated and barbaric punishment" added attorney Pannun.

Attorney Pannun further stated that "in India, members of religious minorities are hanged and crushed in the name of justice while the killers of minorities enjoy complete impunity." Terming the recent deployment of paramilitary forces in Punjab to suppress the peaceful rallies of Sikhs, as alarming, Attorney Pannun implored Canada and the world community to remain vigilant because Indian security forces have a track record of atrocities and human rights violations in Punjab. Attorney Pannun claimed that the root of India's treatment of Sikhs lies in Article 25 of the Constitution of India which has obliterated the separate status of Sikhism. The Sikhs should work to have the Article 25 amended to restore the separate and independent status of Sikhism, added attorney Pannun.

Jatinder Singh Grewal, Coordinator SFJ stated that following the Canadian tradition of respecting sanctity of human life, Canadian Sikhs strongly oppose the use of the death penalty in India. Today, thousands of Canadian Sikhs are standing in solidarity to oppose this outdated and barbaric punishment," added Grewal.

The "Kesari Nishan rally" was organized by Sikh for Justice (SFJ), Ontario Gurudwara and Sikh Council (OGSC) and Ontario Gurudwara Committee (OGC) with the combined membership of two hundred thousand Sikhs in Canada. The rally united the Liberals, NDP and the ruling party of Canada on one platform in asking India to follow the UN Resolution and abolish the death penalty.


Newspaper Coverage: Punjab/PunjabAbroadCanada/ Canadian-Sikhs-show- solidarity-with-Rajoana/SP- Article1-832431.aspx content/238005/canadian-sikhs- show-solidarity-rajoana.html

http://articles.timesofindia. india/31253755_1_canadian- sikhs-sikh-council-sikh-riots canadian-sikhs-show- solidarity-with-rajoana- 1333007195

http://www.rozanaspokesman. com/fullpage.aspx?view=main& mview=Mar&dview=30&pview=7 canadian-sikhs-show- solidarity-rajoana-042532248. html canadian-sikhs-stand-in- support-of-rajoana_news_958 29/canadian-sikhs-show- solidarity-with-rajoana-ians/ 00print/290312.pdf article/WOR-TOP-rajoana- hanging-sikhs-in-canada- protest-against-verdict- 3031731.html component/jomtube/video/6101 topnews/canadian-sikhs-show- solidarity-with-rajoana/ 377136.html

http://articles.timesofindia. india/31253755_1_canadian- sikhs-sikh-council-sikh-riots



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