Gurdwara (68K)
The Sikh community said a meat processing plant being built close to a temple would "undermine worship"

A Sikh community in Bradford has won a legal battle to stop a meat processing plant being built next to a temple.

11 April 2014: Council planners approved proposals for the plant by food firm Pakeezah on Leeds Road in August.

Worshippers at the nearby Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara temple applied to the High Court to halt the plans as many of them are strict vegetarians.

Bradford Council has now revoked planning permission after taking legal advice.

Council leader David Green said: "We don't want to spent council tax payers money on legal action when we have been advised that we are unlikely to be successful.

"I believe the planning committee made a valid decision under planning legislation, but I think it's a fact that not enough weight was given to other legal duties."

'Undermining worship'

Lawyers acting for the Sikhs lodged an application for a judicial review in December.

They said the proximity of the temple's kitchen to the proposed meat plant "undermined the sanctity of worship".

Ranbir Singh, assistant president of the temple, said: "We don't eat meat. If the plant was near the Gurdwara, our [people] wouldn't like it.

"We put pressure on the council and they changed their minds. David Green has helped us a lot."

Supermarket chain Pakeezah was contacted but declined to comment.

Previously, its operations manager Amjad Majid said the firm had not intended to "offend anyone".


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