Studies show "You only have so much willpower." Fortunately, there are strategies you can take to improve your willpower and make it easier to make healthy and productive choices.
Stress is responsible for 75 percent to 90 percent of Americans' doctor visits, according to the American Institute for Stress.
Most people find it challenging to stick to a healthy diet and oftentimes exacerbating the challenge are insatiable food cravings.
At least 14 deaths of marathon runners, football players and other athletes have been attributed to a condition called exercise-associated hyponatremia, which results from drinking too much water or sports drinks.
As it turns out, healthy people who are able to take part in manic thinking - without the corresponding crash - have much to gain emotionally.
According to a new CDC Vital Signs report, 3 out of 4 U.S. adults have a predicted heart age that is older than their actual age. This means they are at higher risk for heart attacks and stroke.
Still, this should help answer a Big Question about the role of the Internet in our lives — a role that’s so frequently, and shortsightedly, downplayed and demonized.