The riots in Birmingham left scores of cars burnt out, shops looted, more than 500 people arrested and three young men dead.

TariqJahan (16K)The deaths of Haroon Jahan and brothers Shahzad Ali and Abdul Musavir on 10 August as they stood protecting shops and homes in Winson Green could have sparked fresh violence all over the country.

Instead, the quiet dignity of Tariq Jahan, Haroon's father, and Abdul Quddoos, the brother of the two dead siblings, who both spoke out for peace and calm helped to ease the situation.

Mr Jahan said he wanted to make a renewed appeal.

'My family's name'

He said: "To the Muslim community. If anybody wishes to listen to me, anybody out there, it's over, its finished.

"Why would you want to start riots again? If people do want to commit violence or whatever, not in my family's name.

"It is the month of Ramadan. Once it's over it will be Eid but I can't see my people causing any grief and trouble and I would say to my people, brothers not any more, no more."

Mr Jahan's words of peace have been broadcast across the world and he says he has received thousands of letters expressing support and condolences, including a personal letter from Prince Charles.

Mr Jahan was brought up in Slough and lived opposite a Sikh temple.

His understanding of the Sikh religion has helped unite two communities who have not always been close because of politics in the sub continent.

Mr Jahan also had praise for Sangat TV, the tiny charitably funded Sikh station based in Edgbaston, which scooped the major broadcast channels with its coverage.

'Very inspiring'

"It was amazing to see a TV station helping the police, a media crew doing something like this, " he said.

"I found that very inspiring."

Nirmal Singh, the manager of Sangat TV, also said Birmingham had to be truly united.

"It was three O'clock in the morning when our three Muslim brothers passed away and that message of peace that we had was being broadcast by satellite stations all over the world.

"We were able to get that message across and the message from the Muslim brothers that we don't want war, we don't want further killing and we want to live in peace and let the police system bring the criminals to justice."


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