There has never been a day quite like that in the Alberta legislature.
A whole question period was devoted to a single member, Manmeet Bhullar, who died in an accident Monday.
Young New Democrat MLAs sobbed in sympathy and grief, along with Progressive Conservatives and Wildrose members.
The steel-hard official Opposition voluntarily gave its coveted series of questions to Bhullar’s colleagues, the PCs.
Every question from all parties was one Bhullar would have asked, about the huge range of issues that moved him.
“I’ve never seen or heard of anything like it, in any Canadian assembly,” said legislature clerk David McNeill, who was seen wiping away a few tears of his own.
Premier Rachel Notley and her ministers answered every Bhullar-inspired question with respect, dignity, and loving mentions of their friendly foe.
There was no heckling, no booing, no shouting each other down. “I can hear you,” Speaker Bob Wanner said wonderingly, wishing it were like that all the time.
Interim PC Leader Ric McIver called Bhullar “the heart of our caucus,” while wearing a sweater bearing the slogan With Great Beard Comes Great Responsibility.

Big, tough PC member Rick Fraser, former hockey star and paramedic, first joked weakly that without the huge Bhullar in front of him, he was finally able to see members on the other side.
Then he could barely finish as he broke down time after time.
Notley gave a wonderful tribute to Bhullar, who came into the legislature with her as part of the class of ’08.
Behind Notley, class of ’15 member Heather Sweet silently cried.
This was one of the rare days when you see how Canadian public life is supposed to work, and still does through all the political conflicts, changes of government, and passing generations.
You see that Canadian politicians still care about each other, still realize that opponents are working for the common good, still believe the basic job is to serve every citizen.
Our leaders are not like some U.S. politicians whose differences have descended into pure mutual hatred.
These politicians are true Canadians who believe in the value and potential of every citizen.
And that’s why, I think, Manmeet Bhullar’s death brought such an extraordinary upwelling of grief, and such a moving series of tributes.
Everybody in the legislature knew he worked for our common values at an extraordinarily high level. Even colleagues a generation older considered Bhullar a model because he insisted on helping directly, rather than just standing by and mouthing political platitudes.
That very quality killed him. But the noble irony of his death now makes his life all the more symbolically powerful.
Bhullar fought for better midwife services, a rare cause for a young man. In his last days, he sought freedom for Sikhs who are persecuted in Pakistan, and personally secured it for some. He fought with the same passion against persecution of religions not his own.
He strove for the well-being of women (“my mothers and sisters”), of aboriginals, of children, of the poor, of any group or person victimized by bullying.
He tried every day to bring people together. Education Minister David Eggen talked about how he would bracket a long day of work with community meetings, sometimes in different cities.
In ethnic communities, Bhullar always urged people to embrace Canada and its values. To many of them, he was already a symbol of what they could become.
And on Wednesday, the tributes to his life became almost a hymn to Canadian values.
It was terribly sad, but beautiful too.
Don Braid’s column appears regularly in the Herald