


Sun, May 17, 2015: I was born in a Joint Family in Mumbai (erstwhile Bombay) little over 50 years ago. My Father & Uncles had a very Successful Construction business. I was blessed to Learn from my Elders, especially my Grandmother who used to tell me a variety of stories.

I must have been about 4 years old when she told me the story which would later shape me in to being the person I have become. That story was about Bhai Kanhaiya ji. It made an everlasting impact on my mind to choose the Path of Sewa.

About 100 years before Henry Dunant had an idea about the formation of Red Cross, Bhai Kanhaiya ji was already doing Nishkaam Sewa to serve water & provide First Aid treatment irrespective of Religion, Caste, Colour, Creed or Animosity

I was blessed with Studying Medicine & Graduating from the best Institute in Canada at the BC Children's Hospital, University of British Columbia with a Specialist Degree in Pediatrics & Subspeciality in Neonatology.

Most of you know about my international medical help missions in Srilanka 11 years ago during the Tsunami & 5 years ago in Haiti during the Earthquake.

WAHEGURU ji gave me an opportunity to serve again, this time in Nepal.

As you all know about the devastating Earthquake of Nepal on April 25 which caused over 8,000 casualties & over 100,000 Injured.

I was lucky to be chosen to lead a team of medical experts to start with providing medical care especially for newborn care & pediatrics

We reached Kathmandu on May 6. The Road journey to Gorkha was about 5 hours. We stayed at the town of Gorkha, next morning we started at 5 AM to go to Deorali & Tunglung, the mountain remote areas of the first Earthquake, it took us over 3 hours of unpaved dangerous mountain edge road with lot of rocks & pot holes. While climbing this mountain I got reminded of Kabir ji's Bani
"eik avaghatt ghaattee raam kee thih charr rehiou kabeer ||165|| There is a difficult and treacherous cliff on that path to the Lord; Kabeer is climbing that cliff. ||165||"

We were there for 5 days in conditions difficult for accommodation as we are used to in Canada

We ate Daal Bhaat Tarkari (Lentil, Rice & Vegetables) for Dinner. Breakfast & Lunch were usually Chai only. Water consumption was to the max.

Each day we would see over 200 people, many children but adults too. While we are on these missions we end up seeing adults too.

We reached Kathmandu on 11th May.

Myself & my friend Dr. Colin Yong were visiting Gurudwara NANAK Math in Balaju Kathmandu on May 12 morning.

Granthi ji was showing us the tree under which Baba NANAK had discussions with the Sidha's. They could fly, had prolonged their live's etc with Ridhis & Sidhis, they followed Gorakhnath, this was during Guru NANAK Dev ji's Third Udasi (Journey). The Sidhas then became Guru Ji's followers focusing on Simran & Sewa.

At around 12:40 hrs while under the Huge Banyan Tree we witnessed the Second Earthquake.

The Tree & Blessings of Baba NANAK sheltered us.

"rakhae rakhanehaar aap oubaarian ||
O Savior Lord, save us and take us across.

gur kee pairee paae kaaj savaarian ||
Falling at the feet of the Guru, our works are embellished with perfection."

We immediately left to help the survivors after two massive buildings collapsed.

It was wounds, crush Injuries, lacerations, all kinds of trauma or Injuries, the work was monumental but Guru Ji's Grace / blessings helped us to provide non-stop help for over 24 hours.

The next posting was close to Sindhupal Chowk near the Dhokala district. The epicentre of second earthquake. Medical help for newborn, children & adults provided with the resources we had.

"vich dhuneeaa saev kamaaeeai ||
In the midst of this world, do seva,

thaa dharageh baisan paaeeai ||
and you shall be given a place of honor in the Court of the Lord."

We will have ongoing teams every 2 weeks for a while. The task is monumental.

As a Human Race we are all one ".... maanas kee jaath sabai eaekai pehachaanabo ||"

It is our duty to help the one's in need. Inspiration from Bhai Kanhaiya ji & Blessings from Shabad Guru Shree Guru Granth Sahib ji.

"aapae saevaa laaeidhaa piaaraa aapae bhagath oumaahaa ||
The Beloved Himself commits some to His service; He Himself blesses them with the joy of devotional worship."

If we bow & surrender our ego, then HE lifts you up & makes you do Sewa & Simran

"Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fatheh"


Dr Pargat Singh Bhurji MD,FRCP(C)
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada
Specialist in Disease of Newborn & Children
8241 120A Street , Surrey BC Canada


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        Medical Sewa in Nepal

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Tying cast for a fracture

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Sick Babies in Nepal

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Our Clinics T Sindhupal Chowk Damaged by second Earthquake of May 12

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Baby with pnuemonia

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Helping Survivors at Balaju, A building collapsed in front of us

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My Medical medical Team of Experts

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                                         Tree under witch Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave Gyan to Sidhas Nepal


Collapsed Building May 12

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