Bhai Harbans Singh ji’s family had great respect for Baba Nand Singh ji of Kalera. At one time Baba Nand Singh ji asked Bhai Harbans Singh ji’s father, “Do you have any sons?” His father said that he had seven daughters but no son. Baba ji said he should pray to Waheguru during Amrit Vela.
Bhai Harbans Singh ji was born in 1940 at village Jagadhri. When he was 40 days old his family took him to seek the blessings of Baba Nand Singh ji. Baba ji took him in his lap and took out some ilaichi and mishri from his pocket and after biting them he put them in Bhai Harbans Singh ji’s mouth. Baba ji asked his parents to teach him Kirtan and protect him from bad company.
Bhai Harbans Singh ji belonged to a poor family. One day he was sitting on a small rug and making inserts of the trays when a Bhatra (Indian mendicant) came and sat with him and started watching his feet. He said you will become one of the famous Ragis and your tapes will be admired by everyone. You will have all the riches just like kings. In 1968 you will leave Jagadhri and in 1971 you will visit abroad. He was right. Bhai Harbans Singh ji became a famous Ragi admired by the world over.
Yogi Harbhajan Singh Khalsa
Bhai Harbans Singh had great respect for Yogi Harbhajan Singh Khalsa ji. He said if you check his pockets, you will only find Bhai Harbans Singh ji’s tapes. He said when he used to visit Yogi ji, Yogi ji cooked food with his own hands for him in respect of Kirtan. He use to put lot of ghee and dry fruit and then put that in flour to cook chapattis (Indian bread). Then Yogi ji treated him to Yogi tea.
At the time his health was fairly good and everything he ate could digest easily. In respect to Bhai Harbans Singh ji Yogi ji gave him a pearl necklace. In respect to Yogi ji’s work Bhai Harbans Singh ji gave him a Chawar made from the feathers of peacock. It is the same that Bhai Dhanna ji also had. He said he taught quite a few American Sikhs the shabad: “Aad Guray Nameh, Jugad Guray Nameh,” etc.
When his Kirtan was being planned at the Renton Gurudwara someone called to say that Bhai ji had attended the Bhog of Indira Gandhi. Bhai ji said that at the orders of Gurucharan Singh Tohra ji, Bhai ji had done Kirtan at the Bhog of Sanjay Gandhi. He said there is a cassette also with the picture of Sanjay Gandhi on it.
He recited “Kaun Mua Re Kaun Mua ? Brahm Giani Mil Karo Bichara” and “Baba Bolte te Kahan Gaye, Dehi Ke Sang Rehte”. He said that Indira Gandhi also broke as a mother on the death of her son Sanjay Gandhi. Later Indira Gandhi appreciated his Kirtan and said it has given her solace. He said that she used to visit Buta Singh’s house a few times to listen to his Kirtan.
Jagjeet Singh from Dubai who is presently settled in Seattle also said that when he participated in the Bhog of Sanjay Gandhi lot of newspapers had carried negative criticism against him. They said he earned lot of money. Bhai ji had said because of security people weren’t being able to come close to him. But he said it is ok for the newspapers to criticize him. It cleanses his clothes.
Bhai Harbans Singh ji was blessed with two sons and two daughters. He said one of his sons had joined him in Kirtan when he was 7 years old. He accompanied him for 35 years. During a boat accident at Har Ki Pauri during the Jal Parwah (leaving the body in the river of great saints) he passed away. Bhai Harbans Singh ji misses him a lot and prays that he dedicates the rest of his life to Kirtan. He said we need to dedicate our life to Kirtan and Path, and live a good and respectful life.
Jassi Atwal, son of Salwinder Singh Atwal was murdered in May 2008. After 18 years Waheguru Ji blessed him with a son who he has named Jassa Singh Atwal. In thanking Waheguru, he invited Bhai Harbans Singh ji to visit Seattle.