Dear Beloved Sikh people and to every Beloved Soul present to this offering. This is for all who Mourn and Grieve April 15, 2021, and for our world.

I come to you in humility for my Heart has spoken its need to deeply and completely join with yours and to offer you these words that have arisen from the wellspring of Love, from my heart and soul to yours.

I am with you, as are many others! Though our world is in a state of accelerated turmoil, it is also true that the Human Heart is One with The Divine and in a time of accelerated Transformation. May the Love that we are, in communion with one another, dissolve any and all fear living within the human heart that would give rise to anything less than Love Itself.

In the following, concerning April 15, 2021, I would like to share with you what recently happened as I was walking outdoors in prayerful silence.

Deeply so,

Jalyn Merrick De Sunae

April 15, 2021.

I was home when I first became aware of a

piercing, unfolding, sorrow that was at once

another’s yet now also mine.


Today I am on Roselle St. walking with our dog, Bellamae,

and as we pass beneath some flowering trees,

beneath each canopy of bloom,

Tears of deep, deep, beauty Fall,

White Petals

showering down upon us, yet past us,

seeking to touch the earth Herself as if to Bless

The Very Ground…

the place Where those you Love Fell…

and from Where their Spirits silently Rose

Into The Arms of Love,

and Still Are Rising!


And now, like a tree, I can only bow my head

and open my body, mind, and spirit to

Presence With You

and to share in the profound grief your hearts now

attempt to fathom, to speak, to hold, to bear.


This is my Honour.

An honour Given All who are drawn to join with you Now.


And as we Honour your grief,

now Embraced as our own

may we find ways to gently yet surely love one

another into Living In and From Chardi Kala.

For now, in this moment, as are your loved ones,

are we together held In this Essence of Love.

And as our Hearts Fall Together,

may we collectively Rise as One into our Light.

Amarjeet Kaur Johal

Amarjit Kaur Sekhon

Jaswinder Kaur

Jaswinder Singh

Matthew Alexander

Samaria Blackwell

Karli Smith

John Weisert

May your ever Rising Spirits lead and guide us to that end!

O’ Rise! Rise!

One Light!

Deeply so and With Love, Jalyn De Sunae

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Jalyn Merrick De Sunae is a Contemplative Poet with a background in human services and clinical social work. She has served the dying, imprisoned women, persons with mental illness at risk of incarceration, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

In December of 2012, she began to move into and through deep and prolonged spiritual experiences, and accordingly her poetry intensified. Her poems and writings are of the mystical realm of experience, both human and divine.

Jalyn’s poems “For Khalil” and “Keepers of The Quiet” are published in two anthologies. In 2018 she was Guest Poet at the McAninch Arts Center at College of DuPage, IL, where her poem ‘One’ was choreographed as a dance work in collaboration with Mary Read, Faculty Choreographer, and 8 dance artists.

Jalyn lives in Connecticut with her beautiful spouse Eme and their precious canine companion, Bellamae.

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