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Amritsar Foundation Day: a Mass Action for the Ecology of Guru Ramdas's Nagri

Congratulations to all the institutions, organisations and citizens of Amritsar who contributed in making the first ever environmentally-focused celebrations of Amritsar Foundation Day (Sthapna Divas). We also salute all the volunteers and coordinators who contributed immensely to this hugely promising beginning of Eco-Amritsar.

Also we have an EcoSikh Job Vacancy for people already resident in the Washington DC area (with US work permits).

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Glimpses of Amritsar Foundation Day, 6 July, 2013:

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Amritsar Foundation Day is an important historical day celebrating when on Harr Vadi 13, 1577, Sri Guru Ramdas Ji, the fourth Sikh master, founded the city of Amritsar. Now, 436 years on, it is a bustling city that receives 25 million pilgrims and tourists each year, with extreme challenges to degradation of its natural resources, cleanliness, health and hygiene. This year Eco-Amritsar started celebrating this day as an annual event with the environmental focus areas as below:

  • Save, harvest and reuse water
  • Reduce and utilize waste: vermi-composting/kitchen gardening
  • Go natural and organic – Say “no” to chemicals
  • Audit & Conserve energy
  • Sustained greenification and tree planting
  • Clean and beautify city

Eco-Amritsar has been formed by EcoSikh, under the chairmanship of Gunbir Singh of Amritsar. The initiative is the brainchild of EcoSikh President Dr. Rajwant Singh, who facilitated the visit of SGPC and District administration leaders to Assisi, Italy 18 months ago, where Amritsar became a founder member of The Green Pilgrimage Network globally. Subsequently last October, Gunbir Singh, Roop Singh SGPC and Ravneet Singh of EcoSikh attended the 140 nation UN conference, at Hyderabad where, at the launch of Indian Chapter of Green Pilgrimage Network, Amritsar was recognised as a city willing to work towards improvement in its ecology.

Foundation Day celebrations and environmental activity in the city

Blessings by Sri Akal Takhat Sahib and leadership by SGPC

sgpc plantation (34K)Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) started a plantation drive and Zero chemical usage declaration starting from Harmandir Sahib and extending to various Gurudwaras led by President Jathedar Avtar Singh Makar. The first five trees planted by Singh Sahib, Jathedar Sri Akaal Takht included; neem, amla, reetha, imli and amb which have reference in Gurbani. See more pictures from Guru Ka Bagh here.

The SGPC also organized Kirtan & Katha programme on environmental consciousness & Amritsar Stapna Diwas at Gurdwara Bibek Sar Sahib, where President of the SGPC, Avtar Singh congratulated the sangat on the occasion of Gurpurab of the sixth Master, Guru Hargobind Sahib and Amritsar Sthapna Divas; he also shared the history of establishment of Amritsar. Head Granthi Sri Darbar Sahib, Giani Mull Singh, and famous kirtan singers Padham Shri Bhai Nirmal Singh, Bhai Ravinder Singh performed during the celebrations at Bibek Sar Sahib.

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“The SGPC president set the ball rolling by blessing and fully supporting the Eco-Amritsar programme.” said Dr. Rajwant Singh.

Foundation Day Public Procession
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Eco-Amritsar, organized the Amritsar Foundation Day procession which waded through rain water from Harmandir Sahib to Company Bagh on the morning of July 6, spreading the message of a responsibility for Clean and Green City.

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The procession was flagged by Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh ji. Hundreds of students from schools and colleges of Amritsar, and especially from Nishan-e-Sikhi, Khadur Sahib, NCC cadets, local NGOs, and citizens walked along with this spirited procession. The Foundation Day aimed to engage all the major stakeholders of the Amritsar via their self owned baby projects to address these environmental issues and target a change in mindset at large, for the better future of the city.

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The procession of over 1,200 students and citizens walked through rain and water on the roads towards Company Garden showing their high spirit and love for the city.

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“We feel that there is the need for all of us to be responsible pilgrims, hosts and citizens. Our maxim therefore is: Amritsar – My City, My Pride, My Responsibility!” says Chairman Eco-Amritsar, Gunbir Singh who also chairs World Wildlife Fund for Nature WWF, Punjab. Watch video footage of procession by Ajit News. And click here to see more pictures from the procession.

Public Meet at heritage garden Company Bagh
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ram bagh1 (59K) The procession finally gathered at an Inter faith Citizens Meet at Company Bagh with representatives from all communities and city stakeholders. This public meet was presided over by DC Amritsar, Rajat Agarwal and Bibi Inderjit Kaur of Pingalwara Society. 1100 plant saplings were given away by Nanhi Chhanh Foundation in collaboration with SGPC.

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Many of the city NGOs like; Pingalwara Society, NCC, Kar Sewa Khadur Sahib, Indian Medical Association, Chief Khalsa Diwan, Khudai Khitmatgaran, Voice of Amritsar, Sri Durgiana Committee, three Mosques and two City Churches, Mohalla Committees, CII, World Wildlife Fund-Punjab, Brick Kiln Association, Indo Pak Exporters Association, Shawl Club India, Nanhi Chhaan Foundation, Art Gallery-Amritsar, Amritsar Club, Amritsar Vikas Manch, Rotary and Lions Clubs, Millennium School, Cambridge School, DAV International, DPS Amritsar, Khalsa Colleges and many other schools. This gathering was addressed by DC Amritsar, Mr Rajat Agarwal.

dc (74K)The DC also initiated an "I am Responsible" signature campaign at Company Garden. Click here to see more pictures from public meeting at Company Garden.

Plantation drives in Amritsar

Apart from SGPC Gurdwaras to kickoff plantation drive, the Brick Kiln Association Amritsar announced to fund 10,000 trees. Various partners welcomed the idea via their support to plant 40,000 more trees in the district through the Million Tree Man, PS Bhatty of Missionary Khudai Khitmatgaran. Many schools and colleges to initiate plantation drive this season under a programme run by honourable DC of Amritsar. Watch DC Rajat Agarwal’s video on Amritsar Foundation Day.

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Voice of Amritsar organized a plantation drive at Government Senior Secondary School of Village Heir, Amritsar in collaboration with Missionary Khudai Khidmatgaran. This plantation drive was kicked off by DC, Amritsar via planting a few traditional plants at heritage Company Bagh of Amritsar.

Green Nagar Kirtan at Ranjit Avenue
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Gurdwara Patshahi Chhevin, Ranjit Avenue, conducted a Green Nagar Kirtan with NO garbage left over, no littering, manually driven eco-carts (palki sahib) and awareness messages given. A path-breaking effort, as a model for all religious and cultural processions, chabilis, langars, jagratas et al.

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The sangat used steel glasses to serve chhabeel and the streets were kept clean with a very little but dedicated effort by sewadars who carried the recycled bin bags to collect trash. Check here to see more pictures from green nagar kirtan.

Amritsar Foundation Day celebrations by Mata Kaulan Trust
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A famous Sikh preacher and kirtani Bhai Guriqbal Singh of Mata Kaulan Bhalai Kendar devoted a full week kirtan sessions to taking pride and responsibility for Amritsar. All the shabads and katha was focused on Amritsar being a city founded by Guru Ramdas ji and our duty towards the holy city. Bhai Sahib invited and honoured Eco-Amritsar team for its efforts and had them share inspiration with the sangat. Click here to watch more pictures from the programme.

Watch EcoSikh Project Manager, Ravneet Singh sharing thoughts with sangat at Bhai Guriqbal Singh’s programme at Dhan Dhan Baba Deep Singh Educational Society, Amritsar.

Art and Photography Workshop and Exhibition at Art Gallery
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Indian Academy of Fine Arts (IAFA) organized two consecutive art workshop and exhibitions on 5th and 6th July on paintings by 22 artists on Harmandir sahib, and photographic profile of the City at Art Gallery of Amritsar.

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The exhibitions were inaugurated by IAFA President, Rajinder Mohan Singh Chhina. All the elderly artists and sculpture artists of Amritsar supported the event and to preserve the traditions and culture of glorious Amritsar.

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The photo exhibition based on ‘Colours of Amritsar’ contained pictures from various trades and heritage sites of Amritsar, by local photo-artists and students of Cambridge International School, Amritsar. See more pictures of workshop and exhibition here.

Three Zero Disposable Parks Inaugurated
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Two parks from Green Avenue and another from Ranjit Avenue area commenced as Zero Disposal Parks (ZDPs), inaugurated at Bloomingdale Park Green Avenue. The idea is, not to burn the green waste but rather create compost in the composting pits within the parks. It will not only provide a simple solution to the increase in waste, air pollution but will provide them perfect manure for the vegetation and inspire the neighbouring communities and households as well. See more pictures of these parks here.

“Our steps are small, but we want to keep them firm. We target a change, which is not a one night game.” said Ravneet Singh, EcoSikh Project Manager.

Organic Agriculture in progress

Khalsa College, a major heritage institution of the city, has promised to begin organic agriculture on their land, create a traditional village pool or chhaparr and dedicate a piece of land to plant traditional Beri trees to create natural habitat for house sparrows and protect biodiversity of Amritsar. Read news here.

Workshop by Guru Ramdas School of Planning
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Guru Nanak Dev University organized an academic workshop on Amritsar, “My City, My Pride, My Responsibility!” organized by Guru Ram Das School of Planning in collaboration with Amritsar Vikas Manch. The seminar was presided over by VC of University, Dr. Ajaib Singh Brar. See full press release on Daily Post.

Installation of Dust Bins at Basant Avenue Market
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Voice of Amritsar organized installation of dustbins at Basant Avenue Market in the presence of the Mayor and Ms. Navjot Sidhu and the entire shopkeepers and colony, to keep the area clean. The shopkeepers have welcomed the effort and city administration has promised to clear the garbage from the bins.

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Almost six of the city schools named; Millennium School, Cambridge International School, DAV International, DPS Amritsar and Government Senior Secondary School Heir Village, welcomed the idea of Nature Clubs under WWF, in which schools will be starting Vermi-composting and technical know-how will be provided by WWF Punjab. Along with that, schools shall aim towards Zero Plastic Schools.

Awareness Campaigns

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The Indian Medical Association started a program of repeated environmental and civic responsibility messages in all nursing homes and hospitals of Amritsar via TV/ LCD monitors installed in patients’ rooms and in waiting areas.

Amandeep hospital supported Amritsar Foundation Day via sponsoring the advert on digital screen displays at Alpha Mall for a full fortnight, for publicity of the event.

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These educational flyers were distributed in all the Gurdwaras, Temples, Mosques and Churches of the city by Eco-Amritsar. Click here to download high resolution (PDF 8Mb) leaflets. Many awareness tools like; hoardings, media articles, banners, handbills and stickers stressing the need for citizens to take responsibility for their city were used by Eco-Amritsar.

The ‘I AM RESPONSIBLE’ stickers were distributed at the Company Bagh public meet to various stakeholders of the city, to spread the feeling of “responsibility”.

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Announcements by Baba Sewa Singh, Kar Sewa Khadur Sahib

The Amritsar Foundation Day received extreme support from Kar Sewa Khadur Sahib. Though Baba Sewa Singh Ji was in the United States during that month, he backed up the event by his next announcements to tree line the Grand Trunk road stretch from Jandiala to Amritsar dedicated to Guru Ramdas Sahib.

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The Kar Sewa posted awareness hoardings at various prime spots in the city, in support of the event. Hundreds of school and college students came all the way to participate in the Foundation Day procession on 6th July, carried environmental banners and walked throughout the procession.

Media Support

Amritsar Foundation Day is a project of hope for each of the concerned citizen of Amritsar. This event received an exceptional coverage by all major TV and Print media. Though we tried its best to keep the updates on Eco-Amritsar FaceBook Page, but we deeply admire the major support by all press and media. See the press links below:

The Tribune:
Hindustan Times:
Daily Post
Times of India 
Ajit Jallandhar issued an editorial on the Punjab page which received huge readership across the world.
Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC, UK)

We’re Hiring – Job Opportunity with EcoSikh!

EcoSikh is hiring a Program Manager in North America. We’re looking for a motivated self-starter, preferably from Washington DC area (with US work permits). To view a full job description, visit our homepage here. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, resume and a list of three references to [email protected]

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