Vaisakhi Congregation in Los Angeles

April 7, 2013: As before, Vaisakhi Kirtan Darbar was held in convention center in Los Angeles on April 7, 2013. It started at 7:45 a.m. with musical Jaap Sahib Kirtan and then it was followed by Baljeet Singh from Apple Valley Gurdwara and by Jatinder Singh from Dashmesh Gurdwara. After that from 8:40 to 11:00 Kirtan was done by Ujlaldidar Singh Memorial Foundation Children, Punjabi Gurmeet School, Walnut Gurdwara, Santa Hanna Punjabi Children School, Valley Sikh Temple Punjabi School, Riverside Gurdwara, Khalsa Care Foundation, Guru Ram Das Ashram Khalsa youth Group, Guru Ram Das Ashram Celestial Communication, students of Raj Academy, Gurmeet Singh students of Los Angles and Mughal Jathas Buena Park Gurdwara Bhai Mardana Institute Jatha Bhai Mardana Academy. Then from 11:00 to 12:16 there is Ragi Jathas of Southern California performed Kirtan including Bhai Naid Singh from Riverside, Bhai Surjeet Singh, New Buena Park Gurdwara, Bhai Nirmal Singh Valley Sikh Temple, International Institute of Gurmat Studies, Bhai Ajit Singh Nimana from Ventura Gurdwara, Bhai Bhupinder Singh from Sikh Temple Alhambra, and Bhai Gurdeep Singh from Lankershim Gurdwara. A letter to congregation was given a message from Bhai Sahiba Bibi Inderjit Kaur and Suri Sukhwinder Sahiba Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa. Also Kirtan was done by Bhai Dharam Veer Singh from Sikh temple Palm Springs. Amongst the VIPs who addressed the congregation were US congressman Judy Chu, California State Controller John Chiang and Los Angles city councilman Dennis Zine and also Kirtan was done by Bhai Teja Singh from Sikh Center Santa Anna.

The spirit of Baisakhi awards were given to Mohinder Singh of India Journal, Khalsa Care foundation, volunteers of Khalsa Care Foundation Sardar Didar Singh dance by Jathar Singh, Simran Kaur Khalsa, Siri Kaur Khalsa, Gurbarkar Singh Kaseem, and Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Walnut, There was an interesting show of Kirtan by five Jathas together. and by Kirtan Jatha of Buena Park Gurdwara, Guru Nanak Sikh Temple of Buena Park Bhai Jatinder Singh and his Jatha. Congregation was also addressed by Dr. Amrit Singh, a cardiologist from Long Beach. He mentioned that some kakar keeping started from Guru Nanak Dev Ji. When Madana joined Guru Nanak Dev Ji during his preachings, he was instructed not to cut his hair anytime, not to sing any other song on his instruments except Gurbani and not to use any illicit drugs. A mela like picture from the Indian Community venders for dresses, jewelry, and Punjab history. There was a great comradery between the participants and they were very very amiable as gurbhais that is religious brothers. There was endless refreshment of being pakoras, gulab jamuns, tea, and guru ka Langer and all Gurdwara's of Southern California contributed for the Langer and various locals volunteered the help. After the prayer and conclusion of the function, the huge gathering of the Sikhs outside the convention center gathered before marching for a Sikh Parade-Nagar Kirtan. The Sikh Parade included various groups of marshal arts of Sikhs that is Gatkas. There was continued Kirtan and recitation of the god's name during the parade.

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Before that there was Sikhs' baptization ceremony of Amrit Sanchar at Guru Ram Das Ashram on Saturday that started at 4 a.m.

The Vaisakhi program was planned and conducted by Kirtan Singh. Floats service was done at Khalsa Care Foundation under the superb guidance and leadership of Gurdip Singh Malik who showed his outstanding dedication.

If making people happy was the aim of this function, I had a personal knowledge that it was successful and everybody seem to be leaving the function in a happy mood. This all is not possible without the blessings of the God Almighty.

Thank you.

Amrit Singh, M.D. FACC.

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