“Ishmeet’s soul was a gift from God and we are thankful for these sweet 19 years of his company with us. He was such a pure soul. We are priviledged and humbled that God considered us worthy to have him part of our family. We are sure that his soul will come back in many forms and inspire many others”, said Gurpinder Singh Sodhi, Ishmeet Singh’s father, while addressing a gathering in Washington via speaker phone from Ludhiana.
Over 250 people gathered at Guru Gobind Singh Foundation on Sunday to celebrate Ishmeet Singh’s life and to express grief for his death. GGSF, a Washington based gurdwara dedicated the Sunday’s service to Ishmeet singh, the Star Voice of India. Rimple Kaur Gabri, Dr. Sukhmander Singh from California and Baba Kahn Singh of Seva Panthis from Bhathinda,Punjab, addressed the congregation. In addition, Ishmeet’s economics teacher Harmeet Kaur from Government College, Ludhiana also paid tribute to him. Sehejneet Kaur accompanied by Guransh Singh, sang a shabad from Ishmeet’s CD of Gurbani Kirtan. This was his first CD after he became the Voice of India. Akal Singh, son of Late Shamsher Singh Zakhmi, accompanied on Tabla.
Gurpinder Singh Sodhi added, “ Ishmeet Singh was the voice of India but has now become the voice of heaven. we must continue to search for more Ishmeets and support and encourage them. This will be our way of continuing his legacy.” He thanked the congregation and and the children for singing the shabad. He shared that many young people have come to him and his wife and said that they want to become the next Ishmeet. He also asked the congregation to pray for Ishmeet’s soul.
Dr. Rajwant Singh, Executive Director of GGSF, said, “Ishmeet has created a positive image of the Sikhs and his success has generated so much enthusiasm in so many young people that they want to pursue their dreams against all odds. His accomplishments has had a major impact on youngsters.”Rimple Kaur Gabri emotionally spoke of her feelings about Ishmeet’s death. She said, “I sat in my car with despair and tears running down my cheeks, I knew we lost a very special soul; his void will never be filled. I thought to myself why am I so impacted by his death? I am a mother of a five-year old son and my son idealizes Ishmeet. He says to me “mommy I want to grow-up to be just like Ishmeet, I love his pugri, and Ishmeet is the best singer ever. And just like my son, there are thousands of kids who idealized Ishmeet and saw his as their Role Model and this is why I could not bear Ishmeet’s loss. In this day of Hollywood and Bollywood which impacts our kids’ daily lives we as mothers yearn to see a positive role model for our kids and it’s hard to find one.”
She also said, “He gave our kids a clear message to never give up your dreams, but moreover conquer your dreams with your identity and faith intact. Let the world accept you as “yourself” We need to plant the seed of “sikhi” like Ishmeet’s parents did so our kids can too grow up to be proud and confident Sikhs and winners in their lives.
Bhai Gurdarshan Singh, Granthi of GGSF, also pointed out to the congregation about Ishmeet’s devotion to his faith.
GGSF is selling Ishmeet’s kirtan CDs to raise funds for Ishmeet Singh Foundation formed by his parents recently to promote deserving youngsters in the performing arts in India.