The wounds of Partition were waiting for the skies to open up and shower any healing balm from above.
Realize that the eternal truth of Divine presence is to be realized in all creations, I have no other miracle to show
Rather It Is Another Way Around.
Year 2013 was Centennial Year in Honour of Max Arthur MaCauliffe.
Guru Nanak Enlightened Me on the Walls of Separation
A sense of forgiveness, and a willingness to engage others with a fully open heart.
Manmohan understood what his Sikh faith required of its adherents i.e, public service of humanitarian causes.
There has been no eye-witness record of the date of Guru Nanak’s birthday.
As you commemorate the passing away of Yogi ji, you will spend many occasions looking back at what you did and what you learned. You will remember the extraordinary events in life that were pivotal to make you worthy of the Guru’s blessings.
The wounds of partition were not tending to heal. Instead, they were waiting for the skies to open to shower any healing balm from the above. The 550th year of Guru Nanak’s advent may well be such a juncture.