Generous SikhNet donor is matching gifts up to $10,000!
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A Historic Anniversary

On Nov. 17th 1995 Gurumustuk Singh posted the first web page, while still living with his parents in Brooklyn, New York. This web page was likely only seen by a small nubmer of people in those early days of the “world wide web”. However it was the seed which later transformed into what we now know as “SikhNet” - which is a lighthouse for millions of people.



Gurumustuk's brother Dharam seeing what the
"world wide web" is all about in 1995


Gurumustuk working on his first web page in 1995
at home in Brooklyn, New York

The below screen capture is the web page "Spirituality And Life" that led to SikhNet

spirituality and life

Celebrating 20 Years

We’re excited that we are celebrating SikhNet’s 20th anniversary and grateful for you and Guruji for being a support along the way. We’re always inspired when we hear stories of how SikhNet has changed people’s lives in small and big ways. So many have grown up as kids with SikhNet, and now as adults, they share SikhNet with their own children.

Every year at this time we ask for your help to keep this valuable service going and growing. There are so many needs that the Sikh community is asking of SikhNet, and every year we do our best within our small budget to make the most impact. The more support we get, the more seva we can do.

I know you have a lot of options as to where to give your Dasvandh, and hope that you see the value that SikhNet provides. I humbly request you to continuing being a part of it so that we can grow for another 20 years; serving the next generations of Sikhs to come.




$46k Given of $350,000 goal