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There is no question that we need both a standardized translation and a transliteration of Gurbani and these are not processes that a single scholar, no matter how good, can or should handle alone.
“The title comes from the main message of the Guru Granth Sahib,” Jawa said, “which is no matter what religion we belong to, no matter what race we belong to, no matter what color we are, it is the same light — ....
It’s more important now than ever that the growing spirit of Sikhi touches the hearts of those who may not have been born to know Punjabi/Gurmukhi, but who nonetheless feel the call of the Guru in their.
His interest in the faith was sparked by attending a Diwali celebration in Amritsar, shortly after arriving in Punjab. In order to understand Sikh ceremonies and the importance of the Golden Temple, he undertook a study of the religion, especially the hymns of the Gurus. He found himself deeply engaged by what he studied...
He will be going through rare documents, manuscripts and historical images showing how the earliest English translations of Sikh/Punjabi texts came about. The presentation revolves around one Dr John Leyden from Scotland who went to India and translated Punjabi/Sikh texts into English.
The philosopher Suzanne Langer once wrote, “though the material of poetry is verbal, its import is not the literal assertion made in the words but the way the assertion is made and this involves the sound, the tempo … and the unifying all-embracing artifice of rhythm.”
The world’s first Gurbani database to correctly archive Guru Granth Sahib into all 60 Raags (moods/melodies) with pop-up descriptions of each Author and Melody. Melody data has been kindly provided by an expert in Indian Musicology, Professor Surinder Singh from Raj Academy.
Gurbani points to a Creator that is beyond personality, but we are always referring to a “Him”. Even using the word “God” is limiting.
This resource is intended to evolve into a complete dictionary of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib in English. Anyone can add and edit this dictionary so come and participate.
Spanish Translation of Guru Granth Sahib Ji is now available at www.sikhitothemax.com
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