Dear SikhNet Family,

Today as I write to you, I am about to leave for Sydney Australia to join the Sangat there for SYA Family Camp.

At many Sikhi camps we all sing the Song of the Khalsa in our diwans. Have you heard the Song of the Khalsa? In the song we pray for our children "to see the world through the Guru's eyes."

What does it mean to see the world through the Guru's eyes?

For me, it means that everything we see has two parts, the light that goes into our eyes and forms an image and, even more importantly, what we THINK we see. The same world can look completely different to two different people. Where one sees filth, corruption and hopelessness, another sees beauty, grace and sacredness.

I looked at myself and saw my own mind. I saw its tendency to judge, to say 'this is annoying' or 'that is wrong," and I understood that the only way to change my experience of the world is to change my own mind. And so pratyahar (controlling the mind through Sanjam - conscious breathing with Naam) began to blossom in me by Guruji's grace.

It's so easy to look outside ourselves and blame others, when, in fact, the fault lies within our own mind.

When we read Kirtan Sohila for example, we see the world through the Guru's eyes:

"The evening sky is the offering plate, the sun and moon are the oil lamps. The stars and planets are the shining pearls. The fragrance of the sandalwood nearby is the temple incense and the wind is the fan. The night blooming Jasmine are the flowers laid upon the altar in offering to Thee, O Lord of Light."

Seeing the world in this way, with 'fresh eyes' as it were, there is nothing left to do but bow in gratitude and do the seva that is required of us in each moment.

SikhNet is a frequency and a presence through which Guruji can reach out and touch the hearts of lakhs of people. Each person receiving exactly what he or she needs at that moment. 

When I give my Dasvandh to SikhNet I know in my heart that I am not giving to an organization. I am giving to all the people who are touched by Guruji through SikhNet's presence. It is all his kirpaa.

My prayer, as this New Year dawns, is that each of us is blessed by Guruji to see our own mind clearly, take responsibility for the world we see, and have the insight and courage to change the angle at which we see the world, for the world is as sacred as we experience it to be.

I send you much love and many blessings in the Name of the Guru, the Light of every Sikh, and the Holy Naam which holds the world.

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Guruka Singh Khalsa | Chief Inspiration Officer
phone: +1-505-490-6562
email: [email protected]

Annual Report - Donate to SikhNet


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