Many readers know that I discovered the virtues of Sikhism only over the years of living outside India and Punjab.
25 years ago this summer, 174 exhausted, confused Sikhs landed on the shores of Shelburne County, seeking refuge in Canada
THE first Sikhs who arrived in the Malay states in the 19th century were largely recruited by British officers who had worked in India. “The British favoured Sikhs as they were regarded as brave and highly-disciplined...
The Sikh temple is on the borough’s western border, and a neon-orange cloth reading “Philadelphia Sikh Society” is available
Whatever existing educational models that we have constructed, do not stand anywhere in the world's intellectual atmosphere. Awakening of this Sikh model is the need, role and responsibility that must be reminded to mind as we do our prayers every morning and every evening.
“The use of the death penalty undermines human dignity and any miscarriage or failure of justice in the implementation of the death penalty is irreversible and irreparable,” the memorandum said. Bhullar was sentenced to death for masterminding a 1993 car bomb attack in front of the Youth Congress office in New Delhi...
Sikh Organizations & Glide Memorial Church will help feed approximately 1,000 hungry folks in San Francisco. Hunger is a serious problem in San Francisco – with 1 in 5 children and 1 in 5 adults at risk of hunger.
Globalization is perceived to have severed the link between nation and state and, through the proliferation and development of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), has facilitated the articulation of a transnational ‘diasporic’ Sikh identity.
Sikh Coalition Encourages Community Participation
The art of living in two cultures - a book review by Prem Kishore.
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