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Organizers have found that campers have a stigma with the word 'Sikhi'. To be a Sikh has taken the image in their minds about all the things one CAN'T do. You can't eat meat, you can't cut your hair, you have to be a very religious person. Obviously this sort of stigma is not inspiring to youth to the organizers would like to place more emphasis on encouraging by speaking about why you don't WAN'T to eat meat, cut your hair etc. The projection is to open the Dharma beyond binding people with restrictions. Organizers also have been paying attention to the topics that the children would like to talk about and meeting them where they are.

The events will also feature an Elders Camp which will probably have discussions on topics like relationships, alcohol and culture vs. Dharma.

Newcastle Gurdwara - "Sihki Camp" from Adam Barnett on Vimeo.



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