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His Order (Hukm)

(Note: click on any of the pictures below to see it in a large version.)

His Order (Hukm)

I have tried to paint the hukm (order) of Master through these lines. I feel the order of our master (God) is very simple and clear, it does not require much intelligence or IQ for understanding (like mixing of various colours and inventing new brush strokes or patterns, if we try to paint). It just requires a plain unconditional faith in Him. As our Guru has said “Hukm razae chalna, nanak likhia naal”, I feel that his hukm is very simple i.e., one should keep doing his work in full faith and accept life the way it comes.
hukm (24K)
swim (23K) Swimming in His Order

The order of our master is very simple. The way to enjoy the life is to swim in his order.
His order in Nature

This is the third painting in continuing with the series on his order. He is omnipresent and his order is present all around us.
Nature (28K)
mother-nature1 (26K) Mother Nature

In this painting a mother is trying to kiss a baby while holding his head in her hand, similarly each one of us is also cared and loved by Him (God).


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