Bhupinder Singh sincerely tries to spread the message of Gurus for improving human life. He has correctly used GQ (Gurmat Quotient) for those who use gurbani for spiritual gains. It's similar to IQ that determines the intelligence, GQ determines the spiritual level. He condemns the futile rituals and justify them by quoting gurbani, historical facts and even sakhis. But carefully avoids anything which is not logical or shows miracles and supernatural powers.  Perhaps due to his science and technical background.

He very effectively emphasizes on universal appeal of gurbani and oneness with the universe.  He believes understanding gurbani relieves us of blind faith and strengthens GQ. Gurus have prescribed a two pronged method for accumulating spiritual capital. These are:

1. Simran meaning meditation, and
2. Sewa meaning service (p29). Both points out to improve our spiritual health and GQ in this life while still alive, not waiting for any other life.

He cites various eastern and western authors and their philosophies for comparative views. It could be helpful to cite the full reference as normally done in literature including source of publication and year which lack in his references.

Gurbani quotient emphasizes to focus on our inner-self and use gurbani to live at the highest spiritual level. The fact is Sikhs in general have focused on outer-self, perhaps due to lack of formal education; and majority cannot/could not even read gurbani not to speak of understanding and practicing it. Change is taking place, at least among the educated, and it will take time to use gurbani/ gurbani quotient in everyday life, if it ever happens.

The person with a developed GQ is what we call Gurmukh. Gurmukh understands the laws of universe and realizes creator is in the creation and creation is in the creator. He lives life accordingly and recognizes our common origin and see god in all. It's the people who has not developed GQ who argue and force views, often justifying in the name of faith or blind faith.

In one of the Chapters 2, he goes on to say that nature provides in abundance beyond any account, such as seeds and oil on this earth.  When we get into numbers to be rich as million and billionaires then we get into anxiety and frustration and unhappiness because there will always be people better and worst than us. He advises to focus on patience and contentment that need no numbers.  He cites small bani quotes to support these views.

In Chapter 3, he emphasizes that life comes as package and we have to accept good and bad, such as birth and death, happiness and sadness, meeting and departing....

His main emphasis is god/nature gives us in abundance, but we are generally thankless, greedy, focused on receiving.  Developed GQ can save us from such vices.  At times it comes across more like nothing more than sermon but his heart is in the right place.

There are many powerful books on spirituality, but his concept of molding it into Gurbani Quotient (GQ) is a right step to which sikhs can relate. That's the hope to turn gurdwaras, especially in diaspora, from battle ground to peaceful places of worship, and sikh discussion groups from fighting rinks to places of learning, sharing, respect, and love.

As, in the legend of mahabharta, Yudhister could see no evil in any man and Daryodhan could see no virtue in any one. And attraction of Buddha to seek for nirvana (spiritual enlightenment) in seclusion rather than being a king. We all have something like this. Truthful and spiritually oriented books like this help refine the sense of right and wrong. We need books like this to make it better world. That's what inspired me to write books like "Science, Religion and Spirituality," "Treasure of Great Spiritual Stories: Spirituality in Everyday Living," and "Faith and Reason: In Search of God."

Published by: Sanbun Publisher, New Delhi, 108 pages.
E-mail: [email protected]

Reviewed by: Dr. Sukhraj Singh Dhillon

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