Cosmic Boxing

I made this video after taking a 5 day class with Gurumkh at Golden Bridge Yoga, NYC where she introduced to us the Five Sutras for the Aquarian Age. During this time in my life, I was at the tail end of four difficult years of health issues. My soul wanted and needed to be victorious. I wanted so much to plug deeper into my practice and to do teacher training which I completed this past spring. I am now teaching and in such a great place with my health and well being. The five Sutras for the Aquarian age are such a gift from Yogi Bhajan and the yogi’s who came before him. The making of this video was a gift from the cosmos! There was so much synchronisity! My friend James who is a Broadway Dancer had a moment between shows to act in my video. A great clothing designer named Chay$TheGreat got on board with willingness and costumes. The day I filmed there was a wonderful female boxer who I interviewed named The Glamour Hammer who brought forth such a great interview that I could frame the video around it. My musician friends gave me an amazing afternoon of friendship and music as we crafted the music spontaneously for the video. It was a smooth and brilliant path. Sat Nam!

Directed by: Ann Tracy (Gianroop Kaur) (Age: 26 or older)
Location: Brooklyn, NY – United States
Length: min

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