Pingalwara – Home for Homeless

This video is dedicated to BHAGAT PURAN SINGH JI, a noble Sikh with a noble Vision and Mission – to help who are helpless or mentally and physically disabled. He give his life in this seva without any racism or distinction of caste, as a true Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. He is also also very keen to protect the enviroment from polloution and he wrote thousands of articles on enviromental protection and its effects in order to create awareness among all peoples.

Like me, lot of other people were inspired and always got inspiration from his NISKAM SEVA.

This video is not made by me but it is made by few volunteers of PINGALWARA SAHIB for Fundraising for Pingalwara and Sikhi promotion.

2nd place competition winner in 2006 for age group 26 or older


Directed by: Pingalwara sangat (Age: 26 or older)
Location: AmritsarPunjab – India
Length: 13 min,49 seconds

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