The Higgs boson is perhaps better known by its sexier nickname: the "God particle." But in fact, many scientists, including the physicist for whom it is named, dislike the term.
So we added mystery. There was a part of God we couldn’t understand, so all of the un-understandables were thrown together into a huge basket called, for the lack of a better term, the Mystery.
Signaling a likely end to one of the longest, most expensive searches in the history of science, physicists said Wednesday that they had discovered a new subatomic particle that looks for all the world like the Higgs boson, a key to understanding why there is diversity and life in the universe.
Scientists are quivering with anticipation — flying halfway around the world for a close-up view of the action and devouring the latest updates from the blogosphere the way some girls track the doings of Justin Bieber.
The U.S. Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced on Friday that physicists have come closer to finding the elusive "God Particle," which could one day explain why particles have mass.