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“The Catholic Church has never been clear on this question; it’s all over the place, because it begs so many other questions,” she said. “Where do mosquitoes go, for God’s sake?”
The soul is something similar to water with no shape of its own but, for us earthlings it is experienced as what gives us life -- the force within the vessel of flesh. Without the body the soul has no reality. The mind is similar – without the flesh – the brain – the mind does not exist. The container of the flesh gives them shape and existence.
The quality of Saibhang is like the soul’s lantern, illuminating the next steps on the journey. The mind may not understand “why,” but its willing participation is required.
I have also forgotten that I am part of the grand soul and I am required to perform according to the wishes of the Supreme Soul. I am a part of the grand design.
A heartfelt poem from Harman Sadana with an English translation by Coco Singh.
Start the New Year off by looking beyond and within. Connect with your soul through yoga, meditation, and enlightening discussion on topics that make you ponder day to day. Question reality, acknowledge totality, and inspire the soul within.
Death does not exist in any real sense. One of the surest axioms of science is that energy never dies; it can't be created or destroyed.
Love is a basic human trait. It is our nature to love and to want to be loved.
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