Page 1396

khiqAh khqI suxI rhq ko KusI n AwXau ] (1396-1, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, iBKw)
kehti-ah kahtee sunee rahat ko khusee na aa-ya-o.
I listened to preachers and teachers, but I could not be happy with their lifestyles.

hir nwmu Coif dUjY lgy iqn@ ky gux hau ikAw khau ] (1396-1, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, iBKw)
har naam chhod doojai lagay tinH kay gun ha-o ki-aa kaha-o.
Those who have abandoned the Lord's Name, and become attached to duality - why should I speak in praise of them?

guru diX imlwXau iBiKAw ijv qU rKih iqv rhau ]2]20] (1396-2, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, iBKw)
gur da-yi milaa-ya-o bhikhi-aa jiv too rakheh tiv raha-o. ||2||20||
So speaks Bhikhaa: the Lord has led me to meet the Guru. As You keep me, I remain; as You protect me, I survive. ||2||20||

pihir smwiD snwhu igAwin hY Awsix ciVAau ] (1396-3, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, sl�)
pahir samaaDh sanaahu gi-aan hai aasan charhi-a-o.
Wearing the armor of Samaadhi, the Guru has mounted the saddled horse of spiritual wisdom.

DRMm DnKu kr gihE Bgq sIlh sir liVAau ] (1396-3, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, sl�)
Dharamm Dhanakh kar gahi-o bhagat seelah sar larhi-a-o.
Holding the bow of Dharma in His Hands, He has shot the arrows of devotion and humility.

BY inrBau hir Atlu min sbid gur nyjw gifE ] (1396-4, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, sl�)
bhai nirbha-o har atal man sabad gur nayjaa gadi-o.
He is fearless in the Fear of the Eternal Lord God; He has thrust the spear of the Word of the Guru's Shabad into the mind.

kwm k®oD loB moh Apqu pMc dUq ibKMifE ] (1396-4, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, sl�)
kaam kroDh lobh moh apat panch doot bikhandi-o.
He has cut down the five demons of unfulfilled sexual desire, unresolved anger, unsatisfied greed, emotional attachment and self-conceit.

Blau BUhwlu qyjo qnw inRpiq nwQu nwnk bir ] (1396-5, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, sl�)
bhala-o bhoohaal tayjo tanaa nript naath naanak bar.
Guru Amar Daas, the son of Tayj Bhaan, of the noble Bhalla dynasty, blessed by Guru Nanak, is the Master of kings.

gur Amrdws scu sl� Bix qY dlu ijqau iev juDu kir ]1]21] (1396-5, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, sl�)
gur amardaas sach sal-y bhan tai dal jita-o iv juDh kar. ||1||21||
SALL speaks the truth; O Guru Amar Daas, you have conquered the army of evil, fighting the battle this way. ||1||21||

Gnhr bUMd bsuA romwvil kusm bsMq gn�q n AwvY ] (1396-6, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, Bl�)
ghanhar boond basu-a romaaval kusam basant ganant na aavai.
The raindrops of the clouds, the plants of the earth, and the flowers of the spring cannot be counted.

riv sis ikrix audru swgr ko gMg qrMg AMqu ko pwvY ] (1396-7, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, Bl�)
rav sas kiran udar saagar ko gang tarang ant ko paavai.
Who can know the limits of the rays of the sun and the moon, the waves of the ocean and the Ganges?

rudR iDAwn igAwn siqgur ky kib jn Bl� aunh juo gwvY ] (1396-7, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, Bl�)
rudr Dhi-aan gi-aan satgur kay kab jan bhal-y unah jo gaavai.
With Shiva's meditation and the spiritual wisdom of the True Guru, says BHALL the poet, these may be counted.

Bly Amrdws gux qyry qyrI aupmw qoih bin AwvY ]1]22] (1396-8, sveIey mhly qIjy ky, Bl�)
bhalay amardaas gun tayray tayree upmaa tohi ban aavai. ||1||22||
O Guru Amar Daas, Your Glorious Virtues are so sublime; Your Praises belong only to You. ||1||22||

sveIey mhly cauQy ky 4 (1396-10)
sava-ee-ay mahlay cha-uthay kay 4
Swaiyas In Praise Of The Fourth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1396-10)
ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

iek min purKu inrMjnu iDAwvau ] (1396-11, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
ik man purakh niranjan Dhi-aava-o.
Meditate single-mindedly on the Immaculate Primal Lord God.

gur pRswid hir gux sd gwvau ] (1396-11, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
gur parsaad har gun sad gaava-o.
By Guru's Grace, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord forever.

gun gwvq min hoie ibgwsw ] (1396-11, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
gun gaavat man ho-ay bigaasaa.
Singing His Praises, the mind blossoms forth in ecstasy.

siqgur pUir jnh kI Awsw ] (1396-12, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
satgur poor janah kee aasaa.
The True Guru fulfills the hopes of His humble servant.

siqguru syiv prm pdu pwXau ] (1396-12, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
satgur sayv param pad paa-ya-o.
Serving the True Guru, the supreme status is obtained.

AibnwsI Aibgqu iDAwXau ] (1396-12, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
abhinaasee abigat Dhi-aa-ya-o.
Meditate on the Imperishable, Formless Lord God.

iqsu Byty dwirdRü n cMpY ] (1396-13, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
tis bhaytay daaridar na champai.
Meeting with Him, one escapes poverty.

kl� shwru qwsu gux jMpY ] (1396-13, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
kal-y sahaar taas gun jampai.
Kal Sahaar chants His Glorious Praises.

jMpau gux ibml sujn jn kyry AimA nwmu jw kau PuirAw ] (1396-13, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
jampa-o gun bimal sujan jan kayray ami-a naam jaa ka-o furi-aa.
I chant the pure praises of that humble being who has been blessed with the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

iein sqguru syiv sbd rsu pwXw nwmu inrMjn auir DirAw ] (1396-14, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
in satgur sayv sabad ras paa-yaa naam niranjan ur Dhari-aa.
He served the True Guru and was blessed with the sublime essence of the Shabad, the Word of God. The Immaculate Naam has been enshrined in his heart.

hir nwm risku goibMd gux gwhku cwhku qq smq sry ] (1396-15, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
har naam rasik gobind gun gaahak chaahak tat samat saray.
He enjoys and savors the Lord's Name, and purchases the Glorious Virtues of the Lord of the Universe. He seeks the essence of reality; he is the Fountain of even-handed justice.

kiv kl� Tkur hrdws qny gur rwmdws sr ABr Bry ]1] (1396-15, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
kav kal-y thakur hardaas tanay gur raamdaas sar abhar bharay. ||1||
So speaks KALL the poet: Guru Raam Daas, the son of Har Daas, fills the empty pools to overflowing. ||1||

Cutq prvwh AimA Amrw pd AMimRq srovr sd BirAw ] (1396-16, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
chhutat parvaah ami-a amraa pad amrit sarovar sad bhari-aa.
The stream of ambrosial nectar flows and the immortal status is obtained; the pool is forever overflowing with Ambrosial Nectar.

qy pIvih sMq krih min mjnu pub ijnhu syvw krIAw ] (1396-16, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
tay peeveh sant karahi man majan pub jinahu sayvaa karee-aa.
Those Saints who have served the Lord in the past drink in this Nectar, and bathe their minds in it.

iqn Bau invwir AnBY pdu dInw sbd mwqR qy auDr Dry ] (1396-17, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
tin bha-o nivaar anbhai pad deenaa sabad matar tay uDhar Dharay.
God takes their fears away, and blesses them with the state of fearless dignity. Through the Word of His Shabad, He has saved them.

kiv kl� Tkur hrdws qny gur rwmdws sr ABr Bry ]2] (1396-18, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
kav kal-y thakur hardaas tanay gur raamdaas sar abhar bharay. ||2||
So speaks KALL the poet: Guru Raam Daas, the son of Har Daas, fills the empty pools to overflowing. ||2||

sqgur miq gUV@ ibml sqsMgiq Awqmu rMig clUlu BXw ] (1396-18, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
satgur mat goorhH bimal satsangat aatam rang chalool bha-yaa.
The True Guru's understanding is deep and profound. The Sat Sangat is His Pure Congregation. His Soul is drenched in the deep crimson color of the Lord's Love.

jwg�w mnu kvlu shij prkws�w ABY inrMjnu Grih lhw ] (1396-19, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, kl�)
jaag-yaa man kaval sahj parkaas-yaa abhai niranjan ghareh lahaa.
The Lotus of His mind remains awake and aware, illuminated with intuitive wisdom. In His own home, He has obtained the Fearless, Immaculate Lord.