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Page 107 mwJ mhlw 5 ] kInI dieAw gopwl gusweI ] (107-1, mwJ, mÚ 5)keenee da-i-aa gopaal gusaa-ee. The Life of the World, the Sustainer of the Earth, has showered His Mercy; gur ky crx vsy mn mwhI ] (107-1, mwJ, mÚ 5)gur kay charan vasay man maahee. the Guru's Feet have come to dwell within my mind. AMgIkwru kIAw iqin krqY duK kw fyrw FwihAw jIau ]1] (107-2, mwJ, mÚ 5)angeekaar kee-aa tin kartai dukh kaa dayraa dhaahi-aa jee-o. ||1|| The Creator has made me His Own. He has destroyed the city of sorrow. ||1|| min qin visAw scw soeI ] (107-2, mwJ, mÚ 5)man tan vasi-aa sachaa so-ee. The True One abides within my mind and body; ibKVw Qwnu n idsY koeI ] (107-2, mwJ, mÚ 5)bikh-rhaa thaan na disai ko-ee. no place seems difficult to me now. dUq dusmx siB sjx hoey eyko suAwmI AwihAw jIau ]2] (107-3, mwJ, mÚ 5)doot dusman sabh sajan ho-ay ayko su-aamee aahi-aa jee-o. ||2|| All the evil-doers and enemies have now become my friends. I long only for my Lord and Master. ||2|| jo ikCu kry su Awpy AwpY ] (107-3, mwJ, mÚ 5)jo kichh karay so aapay aapai. Whatever He does, He does all by Himself. buiD isAwxp ikCU n jwpY ] (107-4, mwJ, mÚ 5)buDh si-aanap kichhoo na jaapai. No one can know His Ways. AwpixAw sMqw no Awip shweI pRiB Brm Bulwvw lwihAw jIau ]3] (107-4, mwJ, mÚ 5)aapni-aa santaa no aap sahaa-ee parabh bharam bhulaavaa laahi-aa jee-o. ||3|| He Himself is the Helper and Support of His Saints. God has cast out my doubts and delusions. ||3|| crx kml jn kw AwDwro ] (107-5, mwJ, mÚ 5)charan kamal jan kaa aaDhaaro. His Lotus Feet are the Support of His humble servants. AwT phr rwm nwmu vwpwro ] (107-5, mwJ, mÚ 5)aath pahar raam naam vaapaaro. Twenty-four hours a day, they deal in the Name of the Lord. shj An�d gwvih gux goivMd pRB nwnk srb smwihAw jIau ]4]36]43] (107-5)sahj anand gaavahi gun govind parabh naanak sarab samaahi-aa jee-o. ||4||36||43|| In peace and pleasure, they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe. O Nanak, God is permeating everywhere. ||4||36||43|| mwJ mhlw 5 ] (107-6)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl: so scu mMdru ijqu scu iDAweIAY ] (107-6, mwJ, mÚ 5)so sach mandar jit sach Dhi-aa-ee-ai. True is that temple, within which one meditates on the True Lord. so irdw suhylw ijqu hir gux gweIAY ] (107-7, mwJ, mÚ 5)so ridaa suhaylaa jit har gun gaa-ee-ai. Blessed is that heart, within which the Lord's Glorious Praises are sung. sw Driq suhwvI ijqu vsih hir jn scy nwm ivthu kurbwxo jIau ]1] (107-7, mwJ, mÚ 5)saa Dharat suhaavee jit vaseh har jan sachay naam vitahu kurbaano jee-o. ||1|| Beautiful is that land, where the Lord's humble servants dwell. I am a sacrifice to the True Name. ||1|| scu vfweI kIm n pweI ] (107-8, mwJ, mÚ 5)sach vadaa-ee keem na paa-ee. The extent of the True Lord's Greatness cannot be known. kudriq krmu n khxw jweI ] (107-8, mwJ, mÚ 5)kudrat karam na kahnaa jaa-ee. His Creative Power and His Bounties cannot be described. iDAwie iDAwie jIvih jn qyry scu sbdu min mwxo jIau ]2] (107-8, mwJ, mÚ 5)Dhi-aa-ay Dhi-aa-ay jeeveh jan tayray sach sabad man maano jee-o. ||2|| Your humble servants live by meditating, meditating on You. Their minds treasure the True Word of the Shabad. ||2|| scu swlwhxu vfBwgI pweIAY ] (107-9, mwJ, mÚ 5)sach saalaahan vadbhaagee paa-ee-ai. The Praises of the True One are obtained by great good fortune. gur prswdI hir gux gweIAY ] (107-10, mwJ, mÚ 5)gur parsaadee har gun gaa-ee-ai. By Guru's Grace, the Glorious Praises of the Lord are sung. rMig rqy qyrY quDu Bwvih scu nwmu nIswxo jIau ]3] (107-10, mwJ, mÚ 5)rang ratay tayrai tuDh bhaaveh sach naam neesaano jee-o. ||3|| Those who are imbued with Your Love are pleasing to You. The True Name is their Banner and Insignia. ||3|| scy AMqu n jwxY koeI ] (107-10, mwJ, mÚ 5)sachay ant na jaanai ko-ee. No one knows the limits of the True Lord. Qwin Qn�qir scw soeI ] (107-11, mwJ, mÚ 5)thaan thanantar sachaa so-ee. In all places and interspaces, the True One is pervading. nwnk scu iDAweIAY sd hI AMqrjwmI jwxo jIau ]4]37]44] (107-11, mwJ, mÚ 5)naanak sach Dhi-aa-ee-ai sad hee antarjaamee jaano jee-o. ||4||37||44|| O Nanak, meditate forever on the True One, the Searcher of hearts, the Knower of all. ||4||37||44|| mwJ mhlw 5 ] (107-12)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl: rYix suhwvVI idnsu suhylw ] (107-12, mwJ, mÚ 5)rain suhaavarhee dinas suhaylaa. Beautiful is the night, and beautiful is the day, jip AMimRq nwmu sMqsMig mylw ] (107-12, mwJ, mÚ 5)jap amrit naam satsang maylaa. when one joins the Society of the Saints and chants the Ambrosial Naam. GVI mUrq ismrq pl vM\ih jIvxu sPlu iqQweI jIau ]1] (107-12, mwJ, mÚ 5)gharhee moorat simrat pal vanjahi jeevan safal tithaa-ee jee-o. ||1|| If you remember the Lord in meditation for a moment, even for an instant, then your life will become fruitful and prosperous. ||1|| ismrq nwmu doK siB lwQy ] (107-13, mwJ, mÚ 5)simrat naam dokh sabh laathay. Remembering the Naam, the Name of the Lord, all sinful mistakes are erased. AMqir bwhir hir pRBu swQy ] (107-13, mwJ, mÚ 5)antar baahar har parabh saathay. Inwardly and outwardly, the Lord God is always with us. BY Bau Brmu KoieAw guir pUrY dyKw sBnI jweI jIau ]2] (107-14, mwJ, mÚ 5)bhai bha-o bharam kho-i-aa gur poorai daykhaa sabhnee jaa-ee jee-o. ||2|| Fear, dread and doubt have been dispelled by the Perfect Guru; now, I see God everywhere. ||2|| pRBu smrQu vf aUc Apwrw ] (107-14, mwJ, mÚ 5)parabh samrath vad ooch apaaraa. God is All-powerful, Vast, Lofty and Infinite. nau iniD nwmu Bry BMfwrw ] (107-15, mwJ, mÚ 5)na-o niDh naam bharay bhandaaraa. The Naam is overflowing with the nine treasures. Awid AMiq miD pRBu soeI dUjw lvY n lweI jIau ]3] (107-15, mwJ, mÚ 5)aad ant maDh parabh so-ee doojaa lavai na laa-ee jee-o. ||3|| In the beginning, in the middle, and in the end, there is God. Nothing else even comes close to Him. ||3|| kir ikrpw myry dIn dieAwlw ] (107-16, mwJ, mÚ 5)kar kirpaa mayray deen da-i-aalaa. Take pity on me, O my Lord, Merciful to the meek. jwicku jwcY swD rvwlw ] (107-16, mwJ, mÚ 5)jaachik jaachai saaDh ravaalaa. I am a beggar, begging for the dust of the feet of the Holy. dyih dwnu nwnku jnu mwgY sdw sdw hir iDAweI jIau ]4]38]45] (107-16, mwJ, mÚ 5)deh daan naanak jan maagai sadaa sadaa har Dhi-aa-ee jee-o. ||4||38||45|| Servant Nanak begs for this gift: let me meditate on the Lord, forever and ever. ||4||38||45|| mwJ mhlw 5 ] (107-17)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl: AYQY qUMhY AwgY Awpy ] (107-17, mwJ, mÚ 5)aithai tooNhai aagai aapay. You are here, and You are hereafter. jIA jMqR siB qyry Qwpy ] (107-17, mwJ, mÚ 5)jee-a jantar sabh tayray thaapay. All beings and creatures were created by You. quDu ibnu Avru n koeI krqy mY Dr Et qumwrI jIau ]1] (107-18, mwJ, mÚ 5)tuDh bin avar na ko-ee kartay mai Dhar ot tumaaree jee-o. ||1|| Without You, there is no other, O Creator. You are my Support and my Protection. ||1|| rsnw jip jip jIvY suAwmI ] (107-18, mwJ, mÚ 5)rasnaa jap jap jeevai su-aamee. The tongue lives by chanting and meditating on the Lord's Name. pwrbRhm pRB AMqrjwmI ] (107-18, mwJ, mÚ 5)paarbarahm parabh antarjaamee. The Supreme Lord God is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ijin syivAw iqn hI suKu pwieAw so jnmu n jUAY hwrI jIau ]2] (107-19, mwJ, mÚ 5)jin sayvi-aa tin hee sukh paa-i-aa so janam na joo-ai haaree jee-o. ||2|| Those who serve the Lord find peace; they do not lose their lives in the gamble. ||2|| nwmu AvKDu ijin jn qyrY pwieAw ] (107-19, mwJ, mÚ 5)naam avkhaDh jin jan tayrai paa-i-aa. Your humble servant, who obtains the Medicine of the Naam, |
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