sÍwmI srin pirE drbwry ]
savaamee saran pari-o darbaaray.
O Lord and Master, I seek the Sanctuary of Your Court.
koit AprwD KMfn ky dwqy quJ ibnu kaunu auDwry ]1] rhwau ]
kot apraaDh khandan kay daatay tujh bin ka-un uDhaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Destroyer of millions of sins, O Great Giver, other than You, who else can save me? ||1||Pause||
Kojq Kojq bhu prkwry srb ArQ bIcwry ]
khojat khojat baho parkaaray sarab arath beechaaray.
Searching, searching in so many ways, I have contemplated all the objects of life.
swDsMig prm giq pweIAY mwieAw ric bMiD hwry ]1]
saaDhsang param gat paa-ee-ai maa-i-aa rach banDh haaray. ||1||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the supreme state is attained. But those who are engrossed in the bondage of Maya, lose the game of life. ||1||
crn kml sMig pRIiq min lwgI suir jn imly ipAwry ]
charan kamal sang pareet man laagee sur jan milay pi-aaray.
My mind is in love with the Lord's lotus feet; I have met the Beloved Guru, the noble, heroic being.
nwnk And kry hir jip jip sgly rog invwry ]2]10]15]
naanak anad karay har jap jap saglay rog nivaaray. ||2||10||15||
Nanak celebrates in bliss; chanting and meditating on the Lord, all sickness has been cured. ||2||10||15||