AMqu n pwvq dyv sbY muin ieMdR mhw isv jog krI ]
ant na paavat dayv sabai mun indar mahaa siv jog karee.
All the gods, silent sages, Indra, Shiva and Yogis have not found the Lord's limits
Puin byd ibrMic ibcwir rihE hir jwpu n Cwif�au eyk GrI ]
fun bayd biranch bichaar rahi-o har jaap na chhaadi-ya-o ayk gharee.
- not even Brahma who contemplates the Vedas. I shall not give up meditating on the Lord, even for an instant.
mQurw jn ko pRBu dIn dXwlu hY sMgiq isRis� inhwlu krI ]
mathuraa jan ko parabh deen da-yaal hai sangat sarisat nihaal karee.
The God of Mat'huraa is Merciful to the meek; He blesses and uplifts the Sangats throughout the Universe.
rwmdwis gurU jg qwrn kau gur joiq Arjun mwih DrI ]4]
raamdaas guroo jag taaran ka-o gur jot arjun maahi Dharee. ||4||
Guru Raam Daas, to save the world, enshrined the Guru's Light into Guru Arjun. ||4||
jg Aauru n Xwih mhw qm mY Avqwru aujwgru Awin kIAau ]
jag a-or na yaahi mahaa tam mai avtaar ujaagar aan kee-a-o.
In the great darkness of this world, the Lord revealed Himself, incarnated as Guru Arjun.
iqn ky duK koitk dUir gey mQurw ijn@ AMimRq nwmu pIAau ]
tin kay dukh kotik door ga-ay mathuraa jinH amrit naam pee-a-o.
Millions of pains are taken away, from those who drink in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, says Mat'huraa.
ieh pDiq qy mq cUkih ry mn Bydu ibBydu n jwn bIAau ]
ih paDhat tay mat chookeh ray man bhayd bibhayd na jaan bee-a-o.
O mortal being, do not leave this path; do not think that there is any difference between God and Guru.
prqiC irdY gur Arjun kY hir pUrn bRhim invwsu lIAau ]5]
partachh ridai gur arjun kai har pooran barahm nivaas lee-a-o. ||5||
The Perfect Lord God has manifested Himself; He dwells in the heart of Guru Arjun. ||5||