Amwvs Awqm suKI Bey sMqoKu dIAw gurdyv ]
amaavas aatam sukhee bha-ay santokh dee-aa gurdayv.
The day of the new moon: My soul is at peace; the Divine Guru has blessed me with contentment.
mnu qnu sIqlu sWiq shj lwgw pRB kI syv ]
man tan seetal saaNt sahj laagaa parabh kee sayv.
My mind and body are cooled and soothed, in intuitive peace and poise; I have dedicated myself to serving God.
tUty bMDn bhu ibkwr sPl pUrn qw ky kwm ] durmiq imtI haumY CutI ismrq hir ko nwm ]
tootay banDhan baho bikaar safal pooran taa kay kaam. durmat mitee ha-umai chhutee simrat har ko naam.
One who meditates in remembrance on the Name of the Lord - his bonds are broken, all his sins are erased, and his works are brought to perfect fruition; his evil-mindedness disappears, and his ego is subdued.
srin ghI pwrbRhm kI imitAw Awvw gvn ]
saran gahee paarbarahm kee miti-aa aavaa gavan.
Taking to the Sanctuary of the Supreme Lord God, his comings and goings in reincarnation are ended.
Awip qirAw kutMb isau gux guibMd pRB rvn ]
aap tari-aa kutamb si-o gun gubind parabh ravan.
He saves himself, along with his family, chanting the Praises of God, the Lord of the Universe.
hir kI thl kmwvxI jpIAY pRB kw nwmu ]
har kee tahal kamaavnee japee-ai parabh kaa naam.
I serve the Lord, and I chant the Name of God.
gur pUry qy pwieAw nwnk suK ibsRwmu ]15]
gur pooray tay paa-i-aa naanak sukh bisraam. ||15||
From the Perfect Guru, Nanak has obtained peace and comfortable ease. ||15||