guir pUrY myrI rwiK leI ]
gur poorai mayree raakh la-ee.
The Perfect Guru has has saved me.
AMimRq nwmu irdy mih dIno jnm jnm kI mYlu geI ]1] rhwau ]
amrit naam riday meh deeno janam janam kee mail ga-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has enshrined the Ambrosial Name of the Lord within my heart, and the filth of countless incarnations has been washed away. ||1||Pause||
invry dUq dust bYrweI gur pUry kw jipAw jwpu ]
nivray doot dusat bairaa-ee gur pooray kaa japi-aa jaap.
The demons and wicked enemies are driven out, by meditating, and chanting the Chant of the Perfect Guru.
khw krY koeI bycwrw pRB myry kw bf prqwpu ]1]
kahaa karai ko-ee baychaaraa parabh mayray kaa bad partaap. ||1||
What can any wretched creature do to me? The radiance of my God is gloriously great. ||1||
ismir ismir ismir suKu pwieAw crn kml rKu mn mwhI ]
simar simar simar sukh paa-i-aa charan kamal rakh man maahee.
Meditating, meditating, meditating in remembrance, I have found peace; I have enshrined His Lotus Feet within my mind.
qw kI srin pirE nwnk dwsu jw qy aUpir ko nwhI ]2]12]98]
taa kee saran pari-o naanak daas jaa tay oopar ko naahee. ||2||12||98||
Slave Nanak has entered His Sanctuary; there is none above Him. ||2||12||98||