ausqiq mn mih kir inrMkwr ]
ustat man meh kar nirankaar.
Praise the Formless Lord in your mind.
kir mn myry siq ibauhwr ]
kar man mayray sat bi-uhaar.
O my mind, make this your true occupation.
inrml rsnw AMimRqu pIau ]
nirmal rasnaa amrit pee-o.
Let your tongue become pure, drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar.
sdw suhylw kir lyih jIau ]
sadaa suhaylaa kar layhi jee-o.
Your soul shall be forever peaceful.
nYnhu pyKu Twkur kw rMgu ]
nainhu paykh thaakur kaa rang.
With your eyes, see the wondrous play of your Lord and Master.
swDsMig ibnsY sB sMgu ]
saaDhsang binsai sabh sang.
In the Company of the Holy, all other associations vanish.
crn clau mwrig goibMd ]
charan chala-o maarag gobind.
With your feet, walk in the Way of the Lord.
imtih pwp jpIAY hir ibMd ]
miteh paap japee-ai har bind.
Sins are washed away, chanting the Lord's Name, even for a moment.
kr hir krm sRvin hir kQw ]
kar har karam sarvan har kathaa.
So do the Lord's Work, and listen to the Lord's Sermon.
hir drgh nwnk aUjl mQw ]2]
har dargeh naanak oojal mathaa. ||2||
In the Lord's Court, O Nanak, your face shall be radiant. ||2||