Aibcl ngru goibMd gurU kw nwmu jpq suKu pwieAw rwm ]
abichal nagar gobind guroo kaa naam japat sukh paa-i-aa raam.
Eternal and immovable is the City of God and Guru; chanting His Name, I have found peace.
mn ieCy syeI Pl pwey krqY Awip vswieAw rwm ]
man ichhay say-ee fal paa-ay kartai aap vasaa-i-aa raam.
I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires; the Creator Himself established it.
krqY Awip vswieAw srb suK pwieAw puq BweI isK ibgwsy ]
kartai aap vasaa-i-aa sarab sukh paa-i-aa put bhaa-ee sikh bigaasay.
The Creator Himself established it. I have found total peace; my children, siblings and Sikhs have all blossomed forth in bliss.
gux gwvih pUrn prmysur kwrju AwieAw rwsy ]
gun gaavahi pooran parmaysur kaaraj aa-i-aa raasay.
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Perfect Transcendent Lord, my affairs have come to be resolved.
pRBu Awip suAwmI Awpy rKw Awip ipqw Awip mwieAw ]
parabh aap su-aamee aapay rakhaa aap pitaa aap maa-i-aa.
God Himself is my Lord and Master. He Himself is my Saving Grace; He Himself is my father and mother.
khu nwnk siqgur bilhwrI ijin eyhu Qwnu suhwieAw ]1]
kaho naanak satgur balihaaree jin ayhu thaan suhaa-i-aa. ||1||
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the True Guru, who has embellished and adorned this place. ||1||