too satgur chahu jugee aap aapay parmaysar

sveIey mhly cauQy ky 4, sl� (1406-14)
sava-ee-ay mahlay cha-uthay kay 4, sal
Swaiyas In Praise Of The Fourth Mehl, Sal

qU siqguru chu jugI Awip Awpy prmysru ]
too satgur chahu jugee aap aapay parmaysar.
You are the True Guru, throughout the four ages; You Yourself are the Transcendent Lord.

suir nr swiDk isD isK syvMq Durh Duru ]
sur nar saaDhik siDh sikh sayvant Dhurah Dhur.
The angelic beings, seekers, Siddhas and Sikhs have served You, since the very beginning of time.

Awid jugwid Anwid klw DwrI iqRhu loAh ]
aad jugaad anaad kalaa Dhaaree tarihu lo-ah.
You are the Primal Lord God, from the very beginning, and throughout the ages; Your Power supports the three worlds.

Agm ingm auDrx jrw jMimih AwroAh ]
agam nigam uDhran jaraa jamihi aaro-ah.
You are Inaccessible; You are the Saving Grace of the Vedas. You have conquered old age and death.

gur Amrdwis iQru QipAau prgwmI qwrx qrx ]
gur amardaas thir thapi-a-o pargaamee taaran taran.
Guru Amar Daas has permanently established You; You are the Emancipator, to carry all across to the other side.

AG AMqk bdY n sl� kiv gur rwmdws qyrI srx ]2]60]
agh antak badai na sal-y kav gur raamdaas tayree saran. ||2||60||
So speaks SALL the poet: O Guru Raam Daas, You are the Destroyer of sins; I seek Your Sanctuary. ||2||60||