mn qUM mq mwxu krih ij hau ikCu jwxdw gurmuiK inmwxw hohu ]
man tooN mat maan karahi je ha-o kichh jaandaa gurmukh nimaanaa hohu.
O mind, don't be so proud of yourself, as if you know it all; the Gurmukh is humble and modest.
AMqir AigAwnu hau buiD hY sic sbid mlu Kohu ]
antar agi-aan ha-o buDh hai sach sabad mal khohu.
Within the intellect are ignorance and ego; through the True Word of the Shabad, this filth is washed off.
hohu inmwxw siqgurU AgY mq ikCu Awpu lKwvhy ]
hohu nimaanaa satguroo agai mat kichh aap lakhaavhay.
So be humble, and surrender to the True Guru; do not attach your identity to your ego.
AwpxY AhMkwir jgqu jilAw mq qUM Awpxw Awpu gvwvhy ]
aapnai ahaNkaar jagat jali-aa mat tooN aapnaa aap gavaavhay.
The world is consumed by ego and self-identity; see this, lest you lose your own self as well.
siqgur kY BwxY krih kwr siqgur kY BwxY lwig rhu ]
satgur kai bhaanai karahi kaar satgur kai bhaanai laag rahu.
Make yourself follow the Sweet Will of the True Guru; remain attached to His Sweet Will.
ieau khY nwnku Awpu Cif suK pwvih mn inmwxw hoie rhu ]7]
i-o kahai naanak aap chhad sukh paavahi man nimaanaa ho-ay rahu. ||7||
Thus says Nanak: renounce your ego and self-conceit, and obtain peace; let your mind abide in humility. ||7||