mMny kI giq khI n jwie ]
mannay kee gat kahee na jaa-ay.
The state of the faithful cannot be described.
jy ko khY ipCY pCuqwie ]
jay ko kahai pichhai pachhutaa-ay.
One who tries to describe this shall regret the attempt.
kwgid klm n ilKxhwru ]
kaagad kalam na likhanhaar.
No paper, no pen, no scribe
mMny kw bih krin vIcwru ]
mannay kaa bahi karan veechaar.
can record the state of the faithful.
AYsw nwmu inrMjnu hoie ]
aisaa naam niranjan ho-ay.
Such is the Name of the Immaculate Lord.
jy ko mMin jwxY min koie ]12]
jay ko man jaanai man ko-ay. ||12||
Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind. ||12||
mMnY suriq hovY min buiD ]
mannai surat hovai man buDh.
The faithful have intuitive awareness and intelligence.
mMnY sgl Bvx kI suiD ]
mannai sagal bhavan kee suDh.
The faithful know about all worlds and realms.
mMnY muih cotw nw Kwie ]
mannai muhi chotaa naa khaa-ay.
The faithful shall never be struck across the face.
mMnY jm kY swiQ n jwie ]
mannai jam kai saath na jaa-ay.
The faithful do not have to go with the Messenger of Death.
AYsw nwmu inrMjnu hoie ]
aisaa naam niranjan ho-ay.
Such is the Name of the Immaculate Lord.
jy ko mMin jwxY min koie ]13]
jay ko man jaanai man ko-ay. ||13||
Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind. ||13||
mMnY mwrig Twk n pwie ]
mannai maarag thaak na paa-ay.
The path of the faithful shall never be blocked.
mMnY piq isau prgtu jwie ]
mannai pat si-o pargat jaa-ay.
The faithful shall depart with honor and fame.
mMnY mgu n clY pMQu ]
mannai mag na chalai panth.
The faithful do not follow empty religious rituals.
mMnY Drm syqI snbMDu ]
mannai Dharam saytee san-banDh.
The faithful are firmly bound to the Dharma.
AYsw nwmu inrMjnu hoie ]
aisaa naam niranjan ho-ay.
Such is the Name of the Immaculate Lord.
jy ko mMin jwxY min koie ]14]
jay ko man jaanai man ko-ay. ||14||
Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind. ||14||
mMnY pwvih moKu duAwru ]
mannai paavahi mokh du-aar.
The faithful find the Door of Liberation.
mMnY prvwrY swDwru ]
mannai parvaarai saaDhaar.
The faithful uplift and redeem their family and relations.
mMnY qrY qwry guru isK ]
mannai tarai taaray gur sikh.
The faithful are saved, and carried across with the Sikhs of the Guru.
mMnY nwnk Bvih n iBK ]
mannai naanak bhavahi na bhikh.
The faithful, O Nanak, do not wander around begging.
AYsw nwmu inrMjnu hoie ]
aisaa naam niranjan ho-ay.
Such is the Name of the Immaculate Lord.
jy ko mMin jwxY min koie ]15]
jay ko man jaanai man ko-ay. ||15||
Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind. ||15||