santahu raamdaas sarovar neekaa
soriT mhlw 5 ] (623-2)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: |
ivic krqw purKu KloAw ] vwlu n ivMgw hoAw ] and not a hair upon my head was touched. mjnu gur AWdw rwsy ] The Guru made my cleansing bath successful; jip hir hir iklivK nwsy ]1] meditating on the Lord, Har, Har, my sins were erased. ||1|| sMqhu rwmdws srovru nIkw ] O Saints, the purifying pool of Ram Das is sublime. jo nwvY so kulu qrwvY auDwru hoAw hY jI kw ]1] rhwau ] Whoever bathes in it, his family and ancestry are saved, and his soul is saved as well. ||1||Pause|| jY jY kwru jgu gwvY ] The world sings cheers of victory, mn icMidAVy Pl pwvY ] and the fruits of his mind's desires are obtained. shI slwmiq nwie Awey ] Apxw pRBU iDAwey ]2] Whoever comes and bathes here, and meditates on his God, is safe and sound. ||2|| sMq srovr nwvY ] One who bathes in the healing pool of the Saints, so jnu prm giq pwvY ] that humble being obtains the supreme status. mrY n AwvY jweI ] He does not die, or come and go in reincarnation; hir hir nwmu iDAweI ]3] he meditates on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3|| iehu bRhm ibcwru su jwnY ] He alone knows this about God, ijsu dieAwlu hoie BgvwnY ] whom God blesses with His kindness. bwbw nwnk pRB srxweI ] Baba Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God; sB icMqw gxq imtweI ]4]7]57] all his worries and anxieties are dispelled. ||4||7||57|| |