mayray raam ha-o so thaan bhaalan aa-i-aa
sUhI mhlw 5 ] (747-9)soohee mehlaa 5. Soohee, Fifth Mehl: |
ivsrih nwhI ijqu qU kbhU so Qwnu qyrw kyhw ] AwT phr ijqu quDu iDAweI inrml hovY dyhw ]1] Twenty-four hours a day, they meditate on You, and their bodies become spotless and pure. ||1|| myry rwm hau so Qwnu Bwlx AwieAw ] O my Lord, I have come searching for that place. Kojq Kojq BieAw swDsMgu iqn@ srxweI pwieAw ]1] rhwau ] After seeking and searching, I found Sanctuary in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||Pause|| byd pVy piV bRhmy hwry ieku iqlu nhI kImiq pweI ] Reading and reciting the Vedas, Brahma grew weary, but he did not find even a tiny bit of God's worth. swiDk isD iPrih ibllwqy qy BI mohy mweI ]2] The seekers and Siddhas wander around bewailing; they too are enticed by Maya. ||2|| ds Aauqwr rwjy hoie vrqy mhwdyv AauDUqw ] There were ten regal incarnations of Vishnu; and then there was Shiva, the renunciate. iqn@ BI AMqu n pwieE qyrw lwie Qky ibBUqw ]3] He did not find Your limits either, although he grew weary of smearing his body with ashes. ||3|| shj sUK Awn�d nwm rs hir sMqI mMglu gwieAw ] Peace, poise and bliss are found in the subtle essence of the Naam. The Lord's Saints sing the songs of joy. sPl drsnu ByitE gur nwnk qw min qin hir hir iDAwieAw ]4]2]49] I have obtained the Fruitful Vision of Guru Nanak's Darshan, and with my mind and body I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||2||49|| |