vadaa mayraa govind agam agochar aad niranjan nirankaar jee-o
Awsw mhlw 4 CMq ] (448-1)aasaa mehlaa 4 chhant. Aasaa, Fourth Mehl, Chhant: |
vfw myrw goivMdu Agm Agocru Awid inrMjnu inrMkwru jIau ] qw kI giq khI n jweI Aimiq vifAweI myrw goivMdu AlK Apwr jIau ] His condition cannot be described; His Glorious Greatness is immeasurable. My Lord of the Universe is invisible and infinite. goivMdu AlK Apwru AprMpru Awpu Awpxw jwxY ] The Lord of the Universe is invisible, infinite and unlimited. He Himself knows Himself. ikAw ieh jMq ivcwry khIAih jo quDu AwiK vKwxY ] What should these poor creatures say? How can they speak of and describe You? ijs no ndir krih qUM ApxI so gurmuiK kry vIcwru jIau ] That Gurmukh who is blessed by Your Glance of Grace contemplates You. vfw myrw goivMdu Agm Agocru Awid inrMjnu inrMkwru jIau ]1] My Lord of the Universe is great, unapproachable, unfathomable, primal, immaculate and formless. ||1|| |