laal rang tis ka-o lagaa jis kay vadbhaagaa
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (808-14)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
lwl rMgu iqs kau lgw ijs ky vfBwgw ] mYlw kdy n hoveI nh lwgY dwgw ]1] This color is never muddied; no stain ever sticks to it. ||1|| pRBu pwieAw suKdweIAw imilAw suK Bwie ] He finds God, the Giver of peace, with feelings of joy. shij smwnw BIqry CoifAw nh jwie ]1] rhwau ] The Celestial Lord blends into his soul, and he can never leave Him. ||1||Pause|| jrw mrw nh ivAwpeI iPir dUKu n pwieAw ] Old age and death cannot touch him, and he shall not suffer pain again. pI AMimRqu AwGwinAw guir Amru krwieAw ]2] Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, he is satisfied; the Guru makes him immortal. ||2|| so jwnY ijin cwiKAw hir nwmu Amolw ] He alone knows its taste, who tastes the Priceless Name of the Lord. kImiq khI n jweIAY ikAw kih muiK bolw ]3] Its value cannot be estimated; what can I say with my mouth? ||3|| sPl drsu qyrw pwrbRhm gux iniD qyrI bwxI ] Fruitful is the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, O Supreme Lord God. The Word of Your Bani is the treasure of virtue. pwvau DUir qyry dws kI nwnk kurbwxI ]4]3]33] Please bless me with the dust of the feet of Your slaves; Nanak is a sacrifice. ||4||3||33|| |