laal gopaal da-i-aal rangeelay
BYrau mhlw 5 ] (99-4)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: |
lwl gopwl dieAwl rMgIly ] gihr gMBIr byAMq goivMdy ] Profoundly Deep, Infinite Lord of the Universe, aUc AQwh byAMq suAwmI ismir ismir hau jIvW jIau ]1] Highest of the High, Unfathomable, Infinite Lord and Master: continually remembering You in deep meditation, I live. ||1|| duK BMjn inDwn Amoly ] O Destroyer of pain, Priceless Treasure, inrBau inrvYr AQwh Aqoly ] Fearless, free of hate, Unfathomable, Immeasurable, Akwl mUriq AjUnI sMBO mn ismrq TMFw QIvW jIau ]2] of Undying Form, Unborn, Self-illumined: remembering You in meditation, my mind is filled with a deep and profound peace. ||2|| sdw sMgI hir rMg gopwlw ] The Joyous Lord, the Sustainer of the World, is my constant Companion. aUc nIc kry pRiqpwlw ] He cherishes the high and the low. nwmu rswiexu mnu iqRpqwiexu gurmuiK AMimRqu pIvW jIau ]3] The Nectar of the Name satisfies my mind. As Gurmukh, I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||3|| duiK suiK ipAwry quDu iDAweI ] In suffering and in comfort, I meditate on You, O Beloved. eyh sumiq gurU qy pweI ] I have obtained this sublime understanding from the Guru. nwnk kI Dr qUMhY Twkur hir rMig pwir prIvW jIau ]4]9]16] You are Nanak's Support, O my Lord and Master; through Your Love, I swim across to the other side. ||4||9||16|| |