gur govind mayray man Dhi-aa-ay
BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1148-19)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: |
lwj mrY jo nwmu n lyvY ] nwm ibhUn suKI ikau sovY ] Without the Name, how can he ever sleep in peace? hir ismrnu Cwif prm giq cwhY ] The mortal abandons meditative remembrance of the Lord, and then wishes for the state of supreme salvation; mUl ibnw swKw kq AwhY ]1] but without roots, how can there be any branches? ||1|| guru goivMdu myry mn iDAwie ] O my mind, meditate on the Guru, the Lord of the Universe. jnm jnm kI mYlu auqwrY bMDn kwit hir sMig imlwie ]1] rhwau ] The filth of countless incarnations shall be washed away. Breaking your bonds, you shall be united with the Lord. ||1||Pause|| qIriQ nwie khw suic sYlu ] How can a stone be purified by bathing at a sacred shrine of pilgrimage? mn kau ivAwpY haumY mYlu ] The filth of egotism clings to the mind. koit krm bMDn kw mUlu ] Millions of rituals and actions taken are the root of entanglements. hir ky Bjn ibnu ibrQw pUlu ]2] Without meditating and vibrating on the Lord, the mortal gathers only worthless bundles of straw. ||2|| ibnu Kwey bUJY nhI BUK ] Without eating, hunger is not satisfied. rogu jwie qW auqrih dUK ] When the disease is cured, then the pain goes away. kwm k®oD loB moih ibAwipAw ] The mortal is engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed and attachment. ijin pRiB kInw so pRBu nhI jwipAw ]3] He does not meditate on God, that God who created him. ||3|| Dnu Dnu swD DMnu hir nwau ] Blessed, blessed is the Holy Saint, and blessed is the Name of the Lord. AwT phr kIrqnu gux gwau ] Twenty-four hours a day, sing the Kirtan, the Glorious Praises of the Lord. Dnu hir Bgiq Dnu krxYhwr ] Blessed is the devotee of the Lord, and blessed is the Creator Lord. srix nwnk pRB purK Apwr ]4]32]45] Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God, the Primal, the Infinite. ||4||32||45|| |