lavai na laagan ka-o hai kachhoo-ai jaa ka-o fir ih Dhaavai
DnwsrI mÚ 5 ] (672-8)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: |
lvY n lwgn kau hY kCUAY jw kau iPir iehu DwvY ] jw kau guir dIno iehu AMimRqu iqs hI kau bin AwvY ]1] He alone comes to have it, whom the Guru blesses with this Ambrosial Nectar. ||1|| jw kau AwieE eyku rsw ] Kwn pwn Awn nhI KuiDAw qw kY iciq n bsw ] rhwau ] The desire to eat, to wear new clothes, and all other desires, do not abide in the mind of one who comes to know the subtle essence of the One Lord. ||Pause|| mauilE mnu qnu hoieE hirAw eyk bUMd ijin pweI ] The mind and body blossom forth in abundance, when one receives even a drop of this Nectar. brin n swkau ausqiq qw kI kImiq khxu n jweI ]2] I cannot express His glory; I cannot describe His worth. ||2|| Gwl n imilE syv n imilE imilE Awie AicMqw ] We cannot meet the Lord by our own efforts, nor can we meet Him through service; He comes and meets us spontaneously. jw kau dieAw krI myrY Twkuir iqin gurih kmwno mMqw ]3] One who is blessed by my Lord Master's Grace, practices the Teachings of the Guru's Mantra. ||3|| dIn dYAwl sdw ikrpwlw srb jIAw pRiqpwlw ] He is merciful to the meek, always kind and compassionate; He cherishes and nurtures all beings. Eiq poiq nwnk sMig rivAw ijau mwqw bwl guopwlw ]4]7] The Lord is mingled with Nanak, through and through; He cherishes him, like the mother her child. ||4||7|| |