lankaa saa kot samund see khaa-ee

Awsw kbIr jIau ] (481-7)
aasaa kabeer jee-o.
Aasaa Kabeer Jee:

l�kw sw kotu smuMd sI KweI ]
lankaa saa kot samund see khaa-ee.
A fortress like that of Sri Lanka, with the ocean as a moat around it

iqh rwvn Gr Kbir n pweI ]1]
tih raavan ghar khabar na paa-ee. ||1||
- there is no news about that house of Raavan. ||1||

ikAw mwgau ikCu iQru n rhweI ]
ki-aa maaga-o kichh thir na rahaa-ee.
What shall I ask for? Nothing is permanent.

dyKq nYn cilE jgu jweI ]1] rhwau ]
daykhat nain chali-o jag jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I see with my eyes that the world is passing away. ||1||Pause||

ieku lKu pUq svw lKu nwqI ]
ik lakh poot savaa lakh naatee.
Thousands of sons and thousands of grandsons

iqh rwvn Gr dIAw n bwqI ]2]
tih raavan ghar dee-aa na baatee. ||2||
- but in that house of Raavan, the lamps and wicks have gone out. ||2||

cMdu sUrju jw ky qpq rsoeI ]
chand sooraj jaa kay tapat raso-ee.
The moon and the sun cooked his food.

bYsMqru jw ky kpry DoeI ]3]
baisantar jaa kay kapray Dho-ee. ||3||
The fire washed his clothes. ||3||

gurmiq rwmY nwim bsweI ]
gurmat raamai naam basaa-ee.
Under Guru's Instructions, one whose mind is filled with the Lord's Name,

AsiQru rhY n kqhUM jweI ]4]
asthir rahai na katahooN jaa-ee. ||4||
becomes permanent, and does not go anywhere. ||4||

khq kbIr sunhu ry loeI ]
kahat kabeer sunhu ray lo-ee.
Says Kabeer, listen, people:

rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n hoeI ]5]8]21]
raam naam bin mukat na ho-ee. ||5||8||21||
without the Lord's Name, no one is liberated. ||5||8||21||