rain dinas japa-o har naa-o
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (893-4)raamkalee mehlaa 5. Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl: |
rYix idnsu jpau hir nwau ] AwgY drgh pwvau Qwau ] Hereafter, I shall obtain a seat in the Court of the Lord. sdw An�du n hovI sogu ] I am in bliss forever; I have no sorrow. kbhU n ibAwpY haumY rogu ]1] The disease of ego never afflicts me. ||1|| Kojhu sMqhu hir bRhm igAwnI ] O Saints of the Lord, seek out those who know God. ibsmn ibsm Bey ibsmwdw prm giq pwvih hir ismir prwnI ]1] rhwau ] You shall be wonderstruck with wonder at the wonderful Lord; meditate in remembrance on the Lord, O mortal, and obtain the supreme status. ||1||Pause|| gin imin dyKhu sgl bIcwir ] Calculating, measuring, and thinking in every way, nwm ibnw ko skY n qwir ] see that without the Naam, no one can be carried across. sgl aupwv n cwlih sMig ] Of all your efforts, none will go along with you. Bvjlu qrIAY pRB kY rMig ]2] You can cross over the terrifying world-ocean only through the love of God. ||2|| dyhI Doie n auqrY mYlu ] By merely washing the body, one's filth is not removed. haumY ibAwpY duibDw PYlu ] Afflicted by egotism, duality only increases. hir hir AauKDu jo jnu Kwie ] That humble being who takes the medicine of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har qw kw rogu sgl imit jwie ]3] - all his diseases are eradicated. ||3|| kir ikrpw pwrbRhm dieAwl ] Take pity on me, O merciful, Supreme Lord God; mn qy kbhu n ibsru guopwl ] let me never forget the Lord of the World from my mind. qyry dws kI hovw DUir ] Let me be the dust of the feet of Your slaves; nwnk kI pRB srDw pUir ]4]22]33] O God, please fulfill Nanak's hope. ||4||22||33|| |