ray moorhHay too ki-o simrat ab naahee
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1207-6)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
ry mUV@y qU ikau ismrq Ab nwhI ] nrk Gor mih aurD qpu krqw inmK inmK gux gWhI ]1] rhwau ] In the awful hell of the fire of the womb, you did penance, upside-down; each and every instant, you sang His Glorious Praises. ||1||Pause|| Aink jnm BRmqO hI AwieE mwns jnmu dulBwhI ] You wandered through countless incarnations, until finally you attained this priceless human birth. grB join Coif jau inkisE qau lwgo An TWhI ]1] Leaving the womb, you were born, and when you came out, you became attached to other places. ||1|| krih burweI TgweI idnu rYin inhPl krm kmwhI ] You practiced evil and fraud day and night, and did useless deeds. kxu nwhI quh gwhx lwgy Dwie Dwie duK pWhI ]2] You thrash the straw, but it has no wheat; running around and hurrying, you obtain only pain. ||2|| imiQAw sMig kUiV lptwieE auriJ pirE kusmWhI ] The false person is attached to falsehood; he is entangled with transitory things. Drm rwie jb pkris bvry qau kwl muKw auiT jwhI ]3] And when the Righteous Judge of Dharma seizes you, O madman, you shall arise and depart with your face blackened. ||3|| so imilAw jo pRBU imlwieAw ijsu msqik lyKu ilKWhI ] He alone meets with God, whom God Himself meets, by such pre-ordained destiny written on his forehead. khu nwnk iqn@ jn bilhwrI jo Ailp rhy mn mWhI ]4]2]16] Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to that humble being, who remains unattached within his mind. ||4||2||16|| |