ray man raam si-o kar pareet
soriT mhlw 9 (631-11)sorath mehlaa 9 Sorat'h, Ninth Mehl: |
ry mn rwm isau kir pRIiq ] sRvn goibMd gunu sunau Aru gwau rsnw gIiq ]1] rhwau ] With your ears, hear the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, and with your tongue, sing His song. ||1||Pause|| kir swDsMgiq ismru mwDo hoih piqq punIq ] Join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and meditate in remembrance on the Lord; even a sinner like yourself will become pure. kwlu ibAwlu ijau pirE folY muKu pswry mIq ]1] Death is on the prowl, with its mouth wide open, friend. ||1|| Awju kwil Puin qoih gRis hY smiJ rwKau cIiq ] Today or tomorrow, eventually it will seize you; understand this in your consciousness. khY nwnku rwmu Bij lY jwqu Aausru bIq ]2]1] Says Nanak, meditate, and vibrate upon the Lord; this opportunity is slipping away! ||2||1|| |