ray man ot layho har naamaa
rwgu rwmklI mhlw 9 iqpdy ] (901-17)raag raamkalee mehlaa 9 tipday. Raag Raamkalee, Ninth Mehl, Ti-Padas: |
ry mn Et lyhu hir nwmw ] jw kY ismrin durmiq nwsY pwvih pdu inrbwnw ]1] rhwau ] Remembering Him in meditation, evil-mindedness is dispelled, and the state of Nirvaanaa is obtained. ||1||Pause|| bfBwgI iqh jn kau jwnhu jo hir ky gun gwvY ] Know that one who sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord is very fortunate. jnm jnm ky pwp Koie kY Puin bYkuMiT isDwvY ]1] The sins of countless incarnations are washed off, and he attains the heavenly realm. ||1|| Ajwml kau AMq kwl mih nwrwien suiD AweI ] At the very last moment, Ajaamal became aware of the Lord; jW giq kau jogIsur bwCq so giq iCn mih pweI ]2] that state which even the supreme Yogis desire - he attained that state in an instant. ||2|| nwihn gunu nwihn kCu ibidAw Drmu kaunu gij kInw ] The elephant had no virtue and no knowledge; what religious rituals has he performed? nwnk ibrdu rwm kw dyKhu ABY dwnu iqh dInw ]3]1] O Nanak, behold the way of the Lord, who bestowed the gift of fearlessness. ||3||1|| |