ray paapee tai kavan kee mat leen
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1225-4)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
ry pwpI qY kvn kI miq lIn ] inmK GrI n ismir suAwmI jIau ipMfu ijin dIn ]1] rhwau ] You do not contemplate your Lord and Master, even for an instant; it was He who gave you your body and soul. ||1||Pause|| Kwq pIvq svMq suKIAw nwmu ismrq KIn ] Eating, drinking and sleeping, you are happy, but contemplating the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you are miserable. grB audr ibllwt krqw qhW hovq dIn ]1] In the womb of your mother, you cried and whined like a wretch. ||1|| mhw mwd ibkwr bwDw Aink join BRmIn ] And now, bound by great pride and corruption, you shall wander in endless incarnations. goibMd ibsry kvn duK gnIAih suKu nwnk hir pd cIn@ ]2]85]108] You have forgotten the Lord of the Universe; what misery will be your lot now? O Nanak, peace is found by realizing the sublime state of the Lord. ||2||85||108|| |