ray nar ih saachee jee-a Dhaar
soriT mhlw 9 ] (633-2)sorath mehlaa 9. Sorat'h, Ninth Mehl: |
ry nr ieh swcI jIA Dwir ] sgl jgqu hY jYsy supnw ibnsq lgq n bwr ]1] rhwau ] The whole world is just like a dream; it will pass away in an instant. ||1||Pause|| bwrU BIiq bnweI ric pic rhq nhI idn cwir ] Like a wall of sand, built up and plastered with great care, which does not last even a few days, qYsy hI ieh suK mwieAw ky auriJE khw gvwr ]1] just so are the pleasures of Maya. Why are you entangled in them, you ignorant fool? ||1|| AjhU smiJ kCu ibgirE nwihin Bij ly nwmu murwir ] Understand this today - it is not yet too late! Chant and vibrate the Name of the Lord. khu nwnk inj mqu swDn kau BwiKE qoih pukwir ]2]8] Says Nanak, this is the subtle wisdom of the Holy Saints, which I proclaim out loud to you. ||2||8|| |