ray chit chaytas kee na da-yaal damodar bibahi na jaanas ko-ee
Awsw Bgq DMnw jIau ] (488-2)aasaa bhagat Dhannaa jee-o. Aasaa, The Word Of Devotee Dhanna Jee: |
ry icq cyqis kI n dXwl dmodr ibbih n jwnis koeI ] jy Dwvih bRhmMf KMf kau krqw krY su hoeI ]1] rhwau ] You may run around the whole universe, but that alone happens which the Creator Lord does. ||1||Pause|| jnnI kyry audr audk mih ipMfu kIAw ds duAwrw ] In the water of the mother's womb, He fashioned the body with ten gates. dyie Ahwru Agin mih rwKY AYsw Ksmu hmwrw ]1] He gives it sustenance, and preserves it in fire - such is my Lord and Master. ||1|| kuMmI jl mwih qn iqsu bwhir pMK KIru iqn nwhI ] The mother turtle is in the water, and her babies are out of the water. She has no wings to protect them, and no milk to feed them. pUrn prmwn�d mnohr smiJ dyKu mn mwhI ]2] The Perfect Lord, the embodiment of supreme bliss, the Fascinating Lord takes care of them. See this, and understand it in your mind||2|| pwKix kItu gupqu hoie rhqw qw co mwrgu nwhI ] The worm lies hidden under the stone - there is no way for him to escape. khY DMnw pUrn qwhU ko mq ry jIA frWhI ]3]3] Says Dhanna, the Perfect Lord takes care of him. Fear not, O my soul. ||3||3|| |